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chapter 11

we were all in my room watching family guy. until...

we heard loud banging coming from the living room "what was that" I whispered to Justin "don't worry we will go check" he said with a warm smile making me feel a little bit better

"beth whatever you do don't move from here ok" chunky J instructed me he was like my second dad.

I nodded and all the boys left to go to the living room.

Justin's P.O.V...

we all left leaving beth on her own. we went to check the living room we peered round the corner ans there stood 3 black figured men. they jas there backs to us so they could see us.

we walked up behind them until we heard a scream coming from Beth's room....

Bethanys P.O.V...

the boys left and I was panicking in my room until my bedroom door opened revealing a black figure just stood there...

"well hello there" came a dark voice

"wh-at d-o... yo-u wa-nt?" I said shaking.

"we wanna ruin those guys lives ans since they care for you so much were gonna torture you" wow he made that clear. I figured he was talking about the guys

he then grabbed me by my hair and pushed me agains my bedroom wall " precious girl" he said stroking my hair. tears were streaming down my cheeks.

he then grabbed my hair and dragged me down to the living room he then bashed me against the wall causing me to fall to the floor "Bethany!!!" I heard Justin call I got up but then another guy dragged me by my hair again

" If any of you guys come any step closer we will end this girl!" one of the men warned.

I was still crying like mad.

Justin mouthed the words 'its gonna be ok' was it really?

"ok finish the job boys" one of the men said to his 'crew' he then held on to me and through me across the room to where there was a big glass shelf. I smashed in to it and passed out....

Justins P.O.V...

they through Bethany so hard on to the glass shelf. they then left laughing. I was about to beat the crap out of them. but they were already out the door.

I ran to Bethany she looked so hurt. her arm was bleeding ans so was her legs she wasn't waking up! "dial 911!" I shouted chaz oft his phone out and rang the number he told them what happened and a few minutes later they came.

as they strapped Bethany in to the long bed I cried and cried and cried. "she's gonna be alright bro" brad said. I hope she is

we then all got in to our cars and drove to the hospital

" Bethany motas room please!" I said running up to he desk. "you can't go in yet if you would like to take a seat."  she said motioning me to go the waiting area. lots and lots of fans were outside. I gave then a week smile and they started singing 'never say never' I loved them soooo sooo much!

I then looked up and watched the tv that was on the wall the news was on

"Justin biebers roommate/girlfriend was carried out to the hospital today. she was smashed against a glass shelf and bashed in to a wall. police reports say there was a intrusion" the lady on the tv said

"you to are going out?" Cody asked "umm no?" I said back he had a confused look on his face

then suddenly a softer came in "Bethany motas family?" we then all stood up

"umm her family is on holiday and I live with hee with chaz and Ryan" I said pointing to chaz and ryan. chaz was crying his eyes out!

" well we have great news for you but also some bad news which one would you like first?" the doctor said "good news!" we all said.

" ok well Bethany is awake and hasn't got any kind of tumor or concussion but... she has lost a lot of blood so is going to be week for a few days" he said. "can we see her?" Cody said the doctor nodded and took us to her room

he left and we all just stood there staring at her "well are you gonna just stand there or give me a hug?" she said smiling a big smile. even though she was in the hospital bed she was the one with a big smile on her face.

we each took turns on huggin her until it was my turn. I hugged her gently and whispered "told you everything will be fine" and released the hug she smiled really big and then the doctor came in

"well Bethany you can go home now." he said with a smile on his face. she stood up with the help of me and went to the bath room and came out wearing sweats and a cropped tank top.

"even when she's just coming out of a hospital she looks hot" lil za said we all laughed and went out.

Bethanys P.O.V...

the guys came and took me out of the hospital.

on the way to the car I was soooo hungry! "let's go starbucks" I said  they all looked at me

" what?" I said "aren't you worried of what people will say when you get to starbucks wearing sweats?" brad pointed out. "no?" i said.

we then all got in to our cars and drove to starbucks. there was loads of paparazzi but I just ignored them " take my hand" Justin whispered I dis what he told me and we walked in ti starbucks I ordered and we went back to the car.

I was walking until a little girl came up to me "Bethany" she said she was like 6 she was soo sweet I bent down to her level even though I was in pain. they guys turned around and gave me a wierd look

"why sweetie what's your name?" I said

"I'm April" she said

"that's a beautiful name April" I said smiling

"thanks I wanted to give you this card" she said handing me a card that said 'get well soon Bethany' on the front

"aww April its beautiful, I'm gonna keep it forever" I said

"thanks well I have to go to my mum now I love you beth!" she said running away

"love you to" I got up and looked at the card and smiled.

"who was that?"  brad said

"some girl called April gave me this get well soon card, I think she was a viewer" u said looking down at the card.

we were all still standing in the car park "there they are!!!" a screaming fan shouted "run!!!" Justin said grabbing my hand we ran in to the car and drove of.

we arrived at home. "thank god I'm home!" I said about to open the door when Justin grabbed my hand.

" Bethany" he said "yeh" I Said "are you mad at me?" why would I be mad at him?

"of course not! why would I?" I asked.

"because i didn't save you" he said

"but you were there when I woke up and you were the one who told me it would all be alright and it was, so thank you, and plus no guy has ever agreed to come to disney world with me" I said smiling. I kissed his cheek and we went to the pent house

*next morning*

are bags were packed and we headed for the air port.

Meant To Be? (Justin bieber and Bethany mota love story)Where stories live. Discover now