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I haven't moved from my bed since I got home. Dansby and Megan would be getting home in about 30 minutes now and I couldn't let them see my like this. Pulling myself from the bed I make way to the shower and quickly wash myself off before getting out and throwing me hair in a messy bun and sliding into one of Dansby's t-shirts I stole and running shorts.

"Hey pretty girl." I bend down petting Bentley. "You ready for you're daddy to be home?" Bentley begins barking making me chuckle. "Me too."

Of course I can't show Bentley any love without Munson getting jealous. Ever since I've been keeping Bentley, Munson has gotten clingy. I think it's because he's use to being an only child. "You are so needy." I coo bending down and picking him up. "It's ok mommy needs some snuggles." I pull him close to my chest letting him nuzzle into me.

Time must have slipped away because the next thing I know both Munson and Bentley were barking at my door as the knob jiggled and Dansby's figure appeared. "I'm gonna kill him." Is the only thing he says as he drops his bags at my door.

"Hey babe! Yea I've been fine! Saw you play you were great. Aw I missed you too." I sarcastically say rolling my eyes as Munson jumps back in my lap and Bentley hops up on the couch next to me.

"Taegan I'm serious. What the hell did he say to you for you to break down in Chelsea's arms? And don't say nothing because she told me everything she walked in on." He warns not moving.

I've already decided I'm not telling Dansby until I've talked to Megan because effects her just as much as me. "I can't tell you until I've talked to Megan." I say running a hand over Munson.

Dansby's eyes widen as he stares. "You can't... Taegan this isn't some high school shit where you gossip to your best friend! He threatened you and I'll be damned if I don't kick his ass for it."

"No shit Dansby, I know this isn't high school dram, trust me." I snap standing up. "But it effects Megan just as much as it effects me. So if you wanna be pissed at me for that be my guest but I'll tell you when I ready to and right now I'm not. I would also appreciate it if you don't bust up in my house damning shit. I've had a hell of a day and I don't need my boyfriend jumping my ass about something like this." With that I turn up the steps leaving him in my living room.

Making it to my room I shut my door falling onto my bed. I know I'm probably over reacting and being a bitch. Honestly all I wanted was for Dansby to hold me. "Babe." Dansby's voice comes from the other side as he eases the door open.

"I'm sorry." I say as soon as he walks in. "I just I'm stressed and it's making me sick and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have and I'm sorry."

"Taegan you're my girlfriend, I'm suppose to take your shit when you're down. It's my job baby." He says moving and sitting next to me before wrapping his arms around me.

"I know but it still doesn't excuse my behavior." I mumble pulling myself closer to him. His arms are where I feel the safest.

"We were both in the wrong then. I shouldn't have jumped your case and you could've toned the attitude down a bit." He chuckles pressing a kiss my cheek.

"Agreed. I am happy your home though." I say snuggling closer to him. "All I've been thinking about for the past few hours is being in your arms."

"I'm right here." He whispers pulling me closer. "I've got you."

"Thank you." I smile leaning up and pressing a soft sweet kiss to his lips. "Do you know when Megan will be home?" I ask pulling away.

"She was going over to Enders for dinner then coming home she said." I nod moving so I was sitting in between his legs and grabbing the remote.

"So later basically." He laughs behind me but nods. "Ok well when she gets here I need to talk to her but then I promise you after that I'll tell you."

"That's perfectly fine." He says grabbing the controller from my hand and flipping on Parks and Recreation.

"Seriously." I groan, why this man loves the show so much I will next know.
"I'm homeeeee!" Megan's voice rang throughout the house.

I jolt from my sleep on Dansby's shoulder to see him still engrossed with Parks and Recreation. "I'll be right back." I say rubbing my eyes as I stand up.

Making my way through the house I reach Megan's room to find her unpacking her suitcase. "Hey boo." She grins looking up.

"Hey can we talk?" I ask taking a seat on her bed.

She immediately stops what she's doing. "Oh god, what happened?"

"I had my appointment with John today." She nods. "Wells long story short he threatened me... with the video Megan. If he releases that it has both of us in it."

Megan's eyes widen as she takes a deep breath processing what I had just said. "We need to tell the guys." She says after a moment.

"Are you sure?" I ask wearily.

"They're gonna find out if he releases the video so I'd rather them hear what happened that night from us." She was right the guys need to hear it from us. "I'm going to go call Ender and tell him to come over. I advise you to talk to Dansby though."

"Yea I'm about to go talk to him I guess." I sigh standing up from the bed.

"Hey Tae." Megan calls making me stop. "He'll get it, don't worry."

"But what if he doesn't? What if this whole John this is just to much for him?" My voice was just above a whisper.

"Taegan I can see it in his eyes, Dansby hasn't said it yet but he loves you, I can tell." She assures me.

"How do you know?" I wonder looking at he hopefully.

"Taegan he's head over heels for you. He's always asking me if your ok when you're not texting him back, his face literally lights up at the sound of your name, he's constantly counting down to the next time he gets to see you." I smile as she tells me all these things.

"Can I tell you something." I ask resuming my sitting position on her bed. "I think I love him too."

Megan smiles shaking her head. "Bitch I already new that. I could've told you that weeks ago, you're just to damn hard headed to believe it yourself."

"I'm not hard-" I stop when she glares.

"Don't you dare even finish that sentence." She threats. "You are the most hard headed, sarcastic person I know."

I roll my eyes at her as I stand up heading towards the door. "I am who I am." I shrug shutting her door behind me.

I take a deep breath as I approach my door. Opening it up I see Dansby laying on my bed with Munson on his chest and Bentley with her head on his stomach. "Hey." I whisper making him lift his head. "Can we go for a drive?"

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