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"Dansby I can walk on my own." I chuckle as he helps me out of the car and into my house.

"I know that." He states keeping his arm around me.

I look up at him with an amused smile. "Then why are you still holding me?"

"I love you that's why." Dansby responds immediately.

"Well I love you too." I grin leaning up and kissing his cheek.

I have to admit ever since the incident I've been extremely clingy, he doesn't seem to mind but I know eventually he's going to get annoyed. 

"Do you want something to eat?" He asks walking into the kitchen, Snitcker had given him the day off to help me but he reports tomorrow for the road trip. Megan had wanted to be here but I told her to go watch Ender today since it's a day game.

"There's a frozen pizza in the freezer if you wanna just pop that in." I say taking a see on the couch. "But hurry up I just want to cuddle!"

Dansby laughs as he quickly puts the pizza in returns to the living room. "Well sit up." He laughs seeing me sprawled across the couch.

"Can I sit between your legs?" I ask batting my eyelashes.

"That's still going to require you to sit up." He laughs again, taking my hands he pulls me forward before sliding in behind me. I settle myself between his legs and lean my head back.  "What do you want to watch?"

"Can we turn the game on?" I ask hopeful, he may not be playing but I still wanna watch the other guys.

"Yea that should be starting any minute now." Dansby flips to the channel. As Chip and Joe's face appear on the screen I settle back into Dansby's chest. Feeling his arms pull me closer I let a smile crosses my face as I let myself relax into him.

"Hey Dans." I whisper after a bit. He looks down at me waiting for my response. "Thank you."

"For what?" He questions raising his eyebrow.

"Saving me, if it hadn't been for you then... I-I don't know what would've happened." Tears started to fill my eyes. Never in a million years did I think I would find myself in that situation.

"Hey let's not thing about the what ifs ok? You're safe now and that's all that matters." Dansby assures me turning me around so I'm looking at him. "And I want you to know, no matter what had happened I'd still love you. You mean the world to me Taegan, heaven forbid I had lost you the other night, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself."

"I don't deserve you Dansby Swanson." I whisper taking his face him my hands.

"You deserve the world Taegan." He counters leaning forward and kissing me. I let a moan slip as his lips work against mine. It's been three days since the incident but he's been terrified to even kiss me since then.

I let my hands wander across the back of his neck playing with the curls that settled there. "That ball is gonna go a long way! Ender Inciarte with a three run homer in the bottom of the 4th!" Dansby and I both jerk away to watch as Ender trots around the bases after driving in Camargo, Flowers and Santana.

"That's my boy!" Dansby cheers pulling away from me.

"Hey!" I pout sticking my bottom lip out.

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