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I tossed and turned all night trying to get comfortable and get my mind to settle down, so far I'm failing. "Taegan, baby please stop moving all around." Dansby groans wrapping his arms around me in attempt to contain me.

"Sorry, I just can't get my mind to turn off." I admit resting my head on his bare chest.

"Just close your eyes and imagines yourself in your happy place." I can by his voice he's still half asleep himself.

"I'm in my happy place right now, your arms." I feel him chuckle underneath me as he kisses my head.

"Just dream of our future then." Closing my eyes I let myself wandering into though about Dansby and I's future. Us, the dogs, two or three little ones running around.

I let out a groan as I look over each employees sales for the month. One of my least favorite things to do as VP is have monthly conversations about sales with each rep. Lydia is one of our longest employees but looking over her work the last few months she's been making us loose money.

"Hey Dad I need to talk to you about something." I knock.

"Yea come on in slugger. What's up?" He questions as I take a seat.

"It's Lydia, I know she's been here forever now but over the last few months she's been costing us some serious money. She's only made 3 sales in the last six months, only one was over a million." I explain showing him the stats.

My dad nods leaning back. "Alright what do you think we should do?" My eyes widen.

"What do you mean what do I think? This is your company I'm just suppose to bring these things to your attention." I argue.

"No as my VP you are suppose to help me make these decisions, now I know you have an opinion on this matter so let me here it." He crosses his arms over his chest.

I sigh running a hand through my hair. "I think we should give her one more month and in this month she needs to make at least two sales. She's costing us a ton of money but she's been here forever now."

"Very well, inform her of the situation." He nods looking back at his computer.

I sigh nodding, this was not a conversation I wanted to deal with right now. I decided Now was as good a time as ever to bring up an idea that's been sitting heavy on my heart lately. "Hey Dad can I propose something to you?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course. What is it?" He asks closing his lap top and give me his undivided attention.

"Well 2 weeks ago Dansby and I went to the Atlanta Children's Shelter and ever since then those kids have been sitting heavy on my heart. I've got to the shelter 6 times since then. I just... seeing the conditions and such I was wondering if the company would be willing to do a fundraiser for the home? I would 100% plan it and everything, I can even get some of the guys to tweet about it and come out to get support." I watched my dad carefully as he thought over my proposition.

When he took his glasses off I braced myself for the worse. "You're heart never fails to surprise me Taegan. I think that is a wonderful idea. Communicate with the Home and have a budget on my desk and plan on my desk in a week and we will get the ball rolling on this." I let out a squeal as I run around the desk throwing my arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" I couldn't while the smile off my face.

"Of course. Now go work on your event." He laughs ushering me out.

Making it to my office I pull my phone out and FaceTime Dansby to tell him the news. They left this morning for St. Louis for a 3 game series for they head to Pittsburgh for 3 more games.

"Hey beautiful." Dansby answers immediately making me smile bigger.

"Dans guess what?" I ask excited.

"What?" He laughs.

"You know how I was talking about wanting to do something for the children's home?" He nods telling me to go on. "Well Dad gave me the ok to plan an event!"

"That's amazing! Do you have anything in mind yet?" He asks.

"I was thinking about a masquerade gala and have a silent auction at it. I was hoping to get some of the team there. Maybe do it in November?" I think looking at my calendar.

"Baby are you sure you can plan a whole gala in 2 months?" He asks skeptical.

"When have you ever know me to back down from a challenge?" I smirk.

"Well I'll do everything I can to help you. I'll start talking to some of the guys and see who I can get together." He flashes me a smile.

"Thanks babe! You're amazing." I couldn't help  but smile.

"I love you. What are you doing when you get off?" He questions.

"I'm gonna go see my little princess! I'm taking Megan with me also. Besides I need to talk to them anyways about all this." I motion around.

"Alright well be safe. Give Kinsely a kiss for me." He smiles. "I love you and I'll call you after the game."

"Will do, I love you too Dans. Kick some ass for me today." I wink before hanging up.

Gathering my things I close down my office for the day and head out to wear Megan was waiting for me.

"Hey hey!"  Greet sliding in.

"Aren't you all smiles today." She chuckles starting up the car.

"I'm just excited to go see Kinsley." I admit. Over the past few weeks she has become quite clingy to me. Apparently I'm the only one she'll really let hold her.

"You love this little girl don't you." She smiles at me.

"Just wait till you see her." I say. "Oh I'm going to need your help! I'm planing a benefit gala for the home and I'm going to need your help planning it."

"Of course. You know I love to throw a good party." She jokes.

With everyone's help I really believe that this gala will raise tons of money for the home. When Megan and I got to the home, children immediately rushed to us asking us to play. Megan obliged while I told them I would be back in a bit.

Making my way into the babies room I pick up Kinsley before heading into Shannon, the owners, office. When I explained to her my idea she immediately was on board. She even proposed that maybe some of the older kids could attend the gala which I thought was an amazing idea. I of course asked if they would allow me to bring Kinsley to the gala with me and nearly squealed when she said they could work something out.

"Do you mind if I post a picture of the kids that I took last week to announce it tomorrow?" I ask Shannon.

"No of course not! We'll repost it as well." I smile and thank her before walking out. Everything might just work out.

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