*REAL* Chapter 24 Christmas

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{A/N: Okay guys! This is the REAL Chapter 24, since the last one was fake. I hope you like the continuation of the story. I'm so sorry if you guys are mad about that prank. I had to. I hope this makes up for it!}

Taylor's POV

I sat in my kitchen in my new apartment as Hunter tried to cook. Hunter and I are still together, and things are going well.

Spencer is still friend with us, even though her aunt is still in the hospital in Florida. She texts or Skypes us every so often.

I've recovered more than they thought, but it still hurts sometimes. I am almost done with the physical therapy I was assigned, but they said even when I'm finished to continue the exercises to help me heal quicker. I returned to my college classes, but I still can't play soccer. I was out for the whole season this year, but I hopefully will be able to play next year.

Being an education major is hard, but worth it. I'm majoring in elementary education and minoring in speech pathology. I've always loved kids, so I hope to be able to teach kindergardeners through third graders.

Since it was Christmas break, I was off for a few more days. Those last few days would be my last with Hunter for a while as well, since he was heading back to Nashville.

I live in my apartment now, which Hunter and my family helped me move into shortly after we got back. My family was so kind to do this for me, and to have it completely paid off and decorated was amazing. Ally and Tiffani are still here, they actually live here with me now.

Shortly after I moved in, Hunter and I properly went on our first date, and many more after. Even though his way of asking me to be his girlfriend was unconventional, it was sweet.

My family accepted our relationship with open arms. Many of my relatives had actually seen it coming. They used to tease us when we were little that we would get together. We ignored them, but now look at us.

Now it was Christmas time. Christmas Eve to be exact. Hunter and I were in the kitchen, baking cookies for tonight's party at my place. My family always gets together at Christmas and has a big party on Christmas Eve.

Another thing about my family is that they love sweets. Anything with sugar they will eat. So Hunter and I decided to help pitch in with the cookies. I had always helped my grandma, but Hunter insisted on helping me.

He has been very over protective since the accident, which is understandable. But he likes to do everything for me. Which I can't stand sometimes. But it can be cute at times. It's nice though having him around since something's still hurt for me to do.

I sat at a barstool in front of Hunter as he stirred a bowl of ingredients. He was attempting to make my family's favorite cookie, sugar cookies. We were going to decorate them later after they cooled.

I chuckled as Hunter stirred the flour a bit too hard and it created a cloud of dust in his face.

He coughed and waved his hands, trying to clear the dust. Some of it settled on the tips of his blonde hair, making it look died white at the tips.

"You think this is funny?" he asked, playfully crossing his arms across his chest.

"Definitely," I laughed.

"Oh it's on," he said, returning to mixing.

"How so?" I asked, looking down at the recipe. I walked over to the oven and preheated it too 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

I turned around to look at Hunter, a huge smirk on his face.

"Like this!" he said, launching a handful of flour at my face.

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