24) Chocolate Cookies

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How will you guys feel when the tone of this book changes all of a sudden?

Hint: This book's description.

°☆ °☆。°☆。°☆

The last few days in New York were packed with a busy time table that the students were provided with. There was little to no time for sight seeing or recreation.

The students were visiting each company firm that their university was able to reach out to and were given briefings about them.

There were many entrepreneurs wanting to make business ties with Korea and so were enthusiastic about talking to the students, and showing them their ideas and potential plans.

The professor made a head count of everyone in the bus. His eyes widened as he finished.

"We have two kids missing!" He pulled out his paper going through the names of the students. "Does anyone know who they are?" He asked the others frantically.

He saw one of his students with mint-green hair raise his hand.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Jungkook and Taehyung."

The professor nodded and dialled Jungkook's number from the students information paper.

The professor sighed. "I'm not able to reach them. If they're your friends keep trying to get in touch with them. Ask them to report back to the hostel we're staying at. We can't wait for long."

Yoongi gave the professor a two-finger salute and pulled out his phone.

He put it on silent and resumed his nap.

°☆ °☆。°☆。°☆

"Taehyung! We got on the wrong bus!" Jungkook whisper-yelled as realization dawned on him.

The blond boy was busy playing 'temple run' on his phone.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook shook his shoulder, looking at the clearly wrong path the bus was taking.

Taehyung whined and looked at Jungkook. "You made the gorillas get me!"

"Gorillas are the least of our concern right now. We're lost, and I'm not able to reach anyone's phone!"

The blond looked outside the bus window and narrowed his eyes.
"It all looks the same to me. How do you know we're lost?"

"Because our stop isn't on this bus and we've never gone past these streets before."

Taehyung made an 'o' shape with his mouth at Jungkook's explanation, but then suddenly smiled. "It's okay! I'm good with maps AND we can always ask someone how to get back. People here are really friendly."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not very good at English." Jungkook stated, still trying to call Yoongi.

"I'll do the talking!" Taehyung said, happily.

*:。☆ :*・゜

Three hours later:

"I thought you said you're good with maps!" Jungkook yelled, exasperated.

"I'm good with maps on the games in my phone, how hard can reading real maps be?" Taehyung said, turning the map around for the hundredth time.

"Considering we're still lost, really hard?" Jungkook said, visibly irritated.

"You should really learn to calm down, Jungkook. Your aura is getting darker over nothing." Taehyung tutted, tilting his head to the right and looking at the map.

Jungkook sighed and snatched the map from the blond's hands.
"How about we get something to eat first, then we can try thinking of something. I'm starving."

Taehyung shrugged. "Sounds good."

The two boys walked down the bustling streets filled with countless other tourists.

Taehyung spotted a mall a bit further, so they decided to get something to eat in there.

The food court was at the ground floor so they didn't have to go searching for it.

"So what do you want to have?" Jungkook asked Taehyung browsing the different stalls. "KFC, subway, American, Chinese-"

"Cookies!" Taehyung squealed, running towards the stall selling baked goods.

Jungkook shook his head. "Of course." He muttered to himself, walking up to the stall.

By the time Jungkook reached the stall, Taehyung was already sampling the twelfth type of cookie.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook, his cheeks puffed up with chocolate chip cookies and placed one of them near the brunet's mouth. "Try this one Kookie!"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "What did you call me?" He asked with an amused expression.

Taehyung's cheeks dusted pink. "Nwathing." He said, chewing the biscuits and looking down in embarassment.

Jungkook smiled and took Taehyung's hand that was still holding the cookie. He brought it near his mouth and took a bite of the chocolate chip.

Taehyung's blush intensified, heat rushing to his cheeks.

"It's really good, do you want me to get you this some of this one?" Jungkook asked, unlike Taehyung unaffected by the affection he just displayed.

Taehyung shook his head, still looking down.
"I have my own money." He said, pulling out a colourful wallet.

After buying four packets of chocolate chip cookies, they went to the first floor for some window shopping.

"Are you sure about this?" Taehyung asked Jungkook.

Jungkook shrugged. "We deserve a break. I mean, we've definitely missed the bus, so why not spend some time here?"

Taehyung chewed on his lip, not liking that they were still lost and that even he wasn't able to contact Hoseok.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung's uneasiness and gently nudged him with his shoulder.
"Hey, we'll get back just fine. Loosen up."

  To be continued..

*:。☆ :*・゜

A/N: I know I promised a  chapter but the writer's block because of the straightness of the bts members from the new videos is too real


Their stories look cute though, especially Jungkook's and Suga's <3

P.S. If I go shoplifting will I get a Taehyung too? XD

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