1.54 Welcome Back

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Next day. Mystic Falls.

i woke up and looked around. I was lying in a truck filled with coffins. Stefan was lying next to me. He was waking up. I looked up and saw Nik looking at us.

Stefan "Just give me a chance to explain myself, okay?"

Nik shook his head "No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding."

He moved to the side showing us some buildings.

Nik smiled "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan, Adelaide"

Night. At school.

I groaned and sat up. I was at school in the gym sitting on the bleachers. 

I heard my name "Adelaide?"

Then I looked at the person "Elena?"

That's when realized Nik sitting next to me. 

My eyes widened  "Nik?"

Nik smirked "morning, love, or should i say night?"

Stefan walked inside. 

Elena said shocked " Stefan..."

Stefan went straight to Nik .

Klaus."Nik "Come to save your damsel, mate? the question is which one is the damsel you wanna safe"

Stefan " I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty."

Nik " Well, you broke that pledge once already."

Stefan " Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me...I will do."

Nik stood up and walked down the bleachers "Fair enough. Let's drink on it. *Pointed to Dana and Chad.* Kill them. What are you waiting for? Kill them."

I shook my head and walked down the bleachers "Stefan, you don-"

I got cut off my a dagger in my stomach. I yelled in pain. 

Stefan growled. 

Nik grabbed him by the throat " Not even 24 hours ago you said you don't love her and yet... Your lies just keep piling up."

Stefan " Let them go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!"

Nik " Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this..."

He compelled Stefan " Stop fighting."

Stefan shook his head "Don't do this, don't do this."

Nik " I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it."

Stefan "Don't...Don't..."

Nik compelled "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey."

Elena shook her head " No. Stefan!"

Nik " Now kill them. Ripper."

Stefan vamped out, rushed over to Dana and killed her by drinking her blood.

He moved to Chad. I looked away. 

Nik smiled " It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot."

Elena shook her head " No. You did this to him."

Nik "I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table."

Rebekah busted in blood boiling " Where is it?! Where's my necklace?"

She went after Elena but Nik held her back "What are you talking about?"

Bekah "She has my necklace. Look."

She gave him the phone so he could see the picture.

Nik smirked " Well, well. More lies."

Rebekah looked at Elena " Where...is it?"

Elena shook her head " I don't have it anymore."

Bekah yelled " You're lying!"

She vamped out and bite Elena's neck but Nik stopped her and took her aside.

Nik "Knock it off!"

Bekah "Make her tell me where it is, Nik!"

Nik looked at Elena. 

She had her hand on her neck.

Nik "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest."

Elena " I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it."

Nik sighed" Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's play a little game, shall we?"

Nik walked to me and bit in my neck. I yelled up and pushed him off me. 

Stefan and Bekah "No!"

I fell to the ground and held my neck. 

Then i asked Nik shocked "What did you do?"

Nik put on the clock. There's a buzzer sound when the clock appeared on the board. He went over to Stefan.

Nik "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to make a decision. "

Bekah asked confused "you aren't compelling him?"

Nik shook his head "i won't have to. Because if you, Stefan, don't feed on Elena, i won't cure Adelaide. it's your choice. Either you drink from Elena or you let Adelaide die a painful death. The choice is yours. You got 20 minutes"

Elena "No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!"

Nik "But i'm not doing anything, love, i simply gave him a choice and he only has to make a decision."

Bekah "what makes you so sure about his choice?"

Nik "Because of the past, dear sister"

He compelled Stefan "No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine."

Then he and Bekah left. 

I sighed and sat down on the bleachers. 

Now And Then - Stefan Salvatore    (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now