1.117 A Party

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Mystic Falls High School.

I walked through the hallways and saw Stefan talking to Elena. Elena gave me a side glance and swung her leg onto Stefan's shoulder, exposing her black panties.

I rolled my eyes. 

Stefan pushed her leg off his shoulder.

I smiled and walked to them. 

Stefan smiled when he saw me "Hey"

Then he looked at Elena " Okay. Did you feed on that cheerleader?"

Elena shrugged " Maybe. " 

She arched her arm over her head to stretch. 

Me " You wouldn't happen to know anything about the hospital's missing blood supply, would you?"

Stefan looked at me surprised. 

Elena scoffed "  Trust me. I'm sick of blood bags. I'd prefer something a little warmer."

Stefan sighed " Look, Elena, I know what you're going through. I was having the time of my life when I first turned, too. I didn't start ripping people's heads off until 1912. The next thing I know, I was killing an entire village."

Elena raised an eyebrow amused " Am I supposed to be scared of becoming you?"

Stefan nodded "Yeah, you are, because I know how deep down you can fall, and I know how difficult it is to climb back out. Come on. You're better than this."

Elena shrugged " I don't know. Maybe this is the better version of me."

 PA system said "Up next: Mystic Falls' very own Lady Timberwolves" 

Elena walked away. 

I looked at Stefan.

Stefan looked at me "What?"

Me "you okay?"

He nodded and we walked into the gym. 

The announcer says, "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your very own Lady Timberwolves"

The crowd cheered while the girls got in position. 

Caroline "Ready!"

The team started their routine: "L-O-L, O-M-G, you're looking at Mystic Falls Varsity! B-E-A-T, beat those Cats." 

Three girls, including Elena, tossed Caroline into the air, but when she came down Elena backed away and Caroline fell straight to the ground. The crowd gasped in shock while the rest of the team rushed over to Caroline. 

Elena looked at Caroline, who was still on the ground, then at us across the room, daring us to react, before turning and walking away.

I looked at Caroline who was on the ground.

She had to pretend to be hurt. 


I walked into Damon's room because Stefan told me he had vervained Elena and brought her home. 

Elena dropped her skirt and untied her top" So? I was hungry."

Stefan asked amused "You're really gonna keep stripping in front of me? That's real mature."

Elena "I'm done cheering, so I'm gonna change."

She put a shirt on. 

Me "Sure. When in doubt, manipulate people with sex. You know, that's the same trick my sister used to pull."

Now And Then - Stefan Salvatore    (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now