Chapter Two-DAYANNA

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"I always knew you to be the Master of the Knights of Ren, but I never saw you to degrade yourself to a simple princess' knight." Hux teased as he walked alongside Kylo, the Captain—Phasma—walking closely behind with a pair of troops.

Kylo had easily spent a good ten minutes destroying one of the new panels on the Finalzer—one Hux had specifically requested to be redone not long before—a gift Kylo couldn't wait for Hux to unveil when they'd return to the battlecruiser. "It's depressing in my opinion, Ren."

Not even bothering to shoot the red haired man a look, Kylo kept his long strides going as Hux instantly fell back, choking on his own breathing as a small smirk grew on Kylo's lips from within his helmet. He wasn't fond of Hux's sharp tongue—let alone, anything that came out of his mouth. It always entered one ear and went out the other. It was hard to respect the man when it was clear that deep down inside he was a coward. "Don't choke on your dimly lit aspirations, General. They will get you nowhere." Kylo simply spoke as he kept walking, Phasma and her troops doing as well.

Concrete ground had turned into marble against their feet as they approached the gargantuan palace, entering one of its many doors as a pair of guards guided its "guests". High walls and towering columns surrounded them, murals and mosaics, intricate oil paintings filling their sight. It was a complete contrast to Starkiller and any of their battlecruisers.

It was, in simple terms, extravagant. But what did First Order men expect from a royal family? Nothing less than the best, of course.

Not even bothering to eye his surroundings as he had no interest to even be there, Kylo set his focus straight ahead. Large steps, cape billowing with every switch of foot, his fists tightened besides him as he lead his men. A pair of large, gold encrusted and delicately designed doors stood tall. Recovering from his choking, Hux shifted his collar and quickly caught up before his attention was caught by his surroundings. Unlike Ren, he was in awe. He had never seen anything as... over the top before.

"The queen waits for you ahead." One of the guards spoke before the two opened the doors, allowing Kylo and the rest enter.

Taking his wide steps towards the center as Phasma and her men stood towards the back, Hux moved to be beside Kylo as they approached the queen. A queen who had been head to toe in gold: from her crown, to her hair, to even the jewels that hugged her fingers. If it were a rancor it would've snapped at how obvious it was that she was the queen. "Welcome." She spoke, strong voice echoing against the tall windows and high ceiling. "I am queen Selene Johansson." She introduced, Kylo had already known this, it being reviewed in a small meeting before they embarked on their trip to the planet of Viridis.

Queen Selene Johansson, the leader and claimed to be guardian of the people of Viridis. She and the royal family—alongside her husband and viceroy Dorn Johansson—set their ruling in the rich city of Ao. Kylo recited in his head as if a song or a poem. Dorn—the viceroy—must be the man standing beside her. He retained information easily that meetings always seemed like a bore and a complete waste of time for him. Just as this was.

"An honor to have met such royalty." Hux said as Kylo screwed his eyes back from within his helmet. Kissass. "I am the General of the First Order, Hux." He introduced himself before pointing his hand over to Kylo, voice dropping in tone and enthusiasm. "And this is the commander, Ren."

"As well as our captain in the back, Phasma, and two of her highly skilled and trained Stormtroopers."

"It's lovely to have finally met." The queen nodded. "But there are far more important matters to discuss rather than becoming even more familiar with one another. The Supreme Leader of yours, Snoke. We had a long discussion. The help of one of my military's officers."

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