Chapter Ten-BLUSH

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Then I guess we are friends, Dayanna. Hearing his words reverberate throughout her head, Dayanna couldn't help but smile. Not once had Kylo called her by her first name, and (in all honesty), it sounded lovely coming from him. There was something about how it rolled off of his tongue and filled her ears that made chills shoot up her spine.

After a while of being behind the waterfall, Dayanna had broken the silence between the two of them as she moved closer to Kylo. "I think we should head back... It's been some time."

Looking over at her as he had stood there and eyed the waterfall after "washing" his hair, he nodded. "What about our clothes?" Kylo questioned as Dayanna's eyebrows lifted.

"Oh... right." Smiling at him, she quickly grabbed his hand and rushed out, knowing a way to get back up to the cliff without being seen should there be anyone out there. After all, the princess being in nothing but her underwear with her nearly naked guard wouldn't look right.

Quickly redressing themselves, now that their bodies weren't as soaked, Kylo hadn't realized till then how truly long Dayanna's hair was until she pulled it back into a sort of bun. It was long enough to reach past her lower back. Possibly why she was able to do the hairstyles she did. "Your room has a small staircase that leads to its balcony, if I go in first and enter your quarters to unlock your door, no one should notice."

"As if no one will notice you entering my room without questioning?" Kylo pointed out as the two aimed back for the palace.

"Your helmet is no longer with you, Ren. You need to go find it." She winked as his eyes widened. "That should buy me enough time." Quickly rushing off, Kylo watched her leave for a moment before turning away to get his helmet. He had nearly forgotten he left behind as if it were nothing.

Quietly rushing through the halls, in hopes no one saw her, she was able to easily slip by and make her way up the stairs. All those years as a child escaping into the forest paid off.

Swiftly rushing to Kylo's room, Dayanna entered and aimed for his balcony, nearly getting distracted along the way as she had never truly been in the room before. The palace was massive.

Placing his helmet back on before anyone could see him, Kylo aimed for the staircase, only to come to a stop as someone stood in his pathway—Able. "What is the princess' guard doing snooping around?" The brunet asked, arms crossed. He was nearly as tall as Kylo, maybe a few inches shorter.

"Does it really look like I am snooping around? And, if I were, what would I be snooping for? Jewels? Crowns?" Kylo asked before taking a step forward. "Someone to kill?"

Narrowing his eyes, Able quietly swallowed. "Explain yourself, then."

"The princess allows me to roam around freely, I am not a pet, I am human. She allowed me some free time as she was busy herself. I don't need to keep watch on her every second of her life, Johansson." Kylo said.

"Then why is it that you have water dripping from your helmet, Ren?" Gulping, Kylo didn't think it'd be noticeable.

"I just showered." He responded as Able glared. "If you'll excuse me, I have more important things to deal with than a stuck up older brother who thinks his little sister needs extra protection from her own bodyguard." At that, Kylo shoved passed him and went up the stairs, a small breath of relief leaving him. He was glad he found his helmet in time.

Unlocking the balcony doors, Kylo had just reached for the handle and pushed open, nearly ramming into Dayanna as she stumbled back. "You found your helmet."

"And an overprotective brother." He said as he stepped in, shutting the door behind him before removing the helmet once again.

"An over- Able?" Dayanna questioned. "What did he want?"

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