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"Do as I say and you won't get hurt, got it?" Kylo pointed a finger as he stood in front of Dayanna, just about ready to turn and face the ramp of the shuttle but waiting for a response.

"Yes, I understand." She nodded. "I've been in situations like these."

"No, you haven't. This is far worse than what your military has gone through." Reaching a hand out as a blaster flew into it, Dayanna blinked. "Do you know how to use it?"

"Yes." She nodded, Kylo extending his arm as she grabbed on.

"Good, you're going to need it just in case." He said before turning around. "It'll get ugly out their, I'll do most of the killing, but you may see something I don't and you're going to have to shoot."

"I've got it." Dayanna breathed. "I can handle myself..."

Looking over his shoulder for a moment, Kylo only looked back ahead as the troopers piled out before he had. "Stay close to me." At that, he walked ahead, Dayanna following closely behind.

The second their feet had hit the ground, nothing but the sound of blaster fire and trooper commands were being heard. Left and right were blaster shots and yelling, Kylo already one step ahead with his lightsaber as he ignited it, waving and thrashing it around to block incoming blows and killing anyone in his path.

At first, Dayanna was focused on her surroundings, firing the blaster when necessary as she rushed beside Kylo. But then, her attention began to shift elsewhere. To Kylo. She had never seen him in action before. It was, in simple terms, breathtaking. She had never seen anything like it, so destructive yet so graceful. It was no lie that he was a Force user the way he pulled the enemy through the swift hair and knocking them unconscious without physically touching them.

Trying to keep her focus on the real issue at hand, she couldn't seem to look away. She was mesmerized by the red blade that sliced through the air. It was something far better to fight with than a simple blaster.

Hearing yelling coming from the right of her, she fired her blaster, killing whoever it was. But, she wasn't quick enough. She had missed a pair that had been hidden behind a tree—something she would've noticed before if she hadn't been so distracted by Kylo's dance of a fight.

Feeling her eyes widen as she gasped, an arm was instantly wrapped around Dayanna's waist and pulled her back, the fiery blade coming into her view and in front of her face as it blocked the incoming blasts. Blasts that could've easily killed her. For a moment, everything seemed so slow around her when death was inches away from her neck.

Taking in rapid, deep breaths, she was instantly tugged away as Kylo grabbed her hand, his gloved one engulfing hers as they sprinted across the way. Trying her best not to dwell on the moment, snapping out of it, Dayanna continued to fire—but her mind was still on Kylo rather than her near-death situation. He was insanely skilled in the field, no wonder he had been "assigned" to watch over her.

Seeing the entrance appear as less and less Resistance soldiers were found around them, Kylo's pace slowed as he used the Force to open the door, nearly shoving Dayanna in before he shut the door behind him. "What was that?!" Kylo nearly shouted as he leaned forward. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"


"I thought you could handle yourself?! I thought you've been through something like this?!" Kylo panted.

"I-I froze!"

"You froze?!" He shook his head, modulator cracking. "You-you froze?! You could've gotten yourself fucking killed out there-"

"I'm sorry, okay! I had killed another one and the two appeared and I couldn't get to them on time!" Dayanna defended, although a part of it was because she was distracted by Kylo.

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