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"Ben, tell me why is it that we train?"

"Because of the Jedi Code."

"Well, no... aside from that. Why do we train? What is the importance?"

"So we know how to fight for what's right."

"Correct. And we do it, not only for the betterment of the galaxy, but for those we love. Why else do you think we do it?"

"Because it is a necessary skill to have."

"Of course, but it isn't just a skill to have. It's a skill to use. We use it to protect, to serve our galaxy, to keep the people and creatures out of harms way. Tell me, Ben, why is it that you train?"

"Other than for myself? To keep those I love safe."

Hearing the voices fade out, Dayanna's eyes fluttered open as she instantly lifted a hand. The beam of sunlight slid through the small crack in the curtains, shinning down on the tiled ground. Sitting up and rubbing her face, she thought over the dream. It wasn't entirely a dream, but voices. A young boy and an older man. Although in dreams she couldn't really differentiate... this one she was able to. But, who were they and why had she dreamt of them?

Standing from her bed and moving to her washroom, she cleaned up for the morning ahead of her. Tying her hair back into a tight braid, pulling on thin layers so she wouldn't be held down. A simple two piece set she normally used for when she had the chance to exercise.

Zipping up the top, she made her way out of her room and towards the terrace—in which she told Kylo she'd meet him there for training. She was excited, she could feel it in her bones as she became antsy. She wanted to go straight into it, to learn how to fight. Especially with someone Kylo's size, it would help.

After drinking a shake one of the handmaidens—Kaia—had given her, she made her way out the back doors. Seeing Kylo already standing there, back facing her. He had been in his usual attire, minus the cape, but with the helmet still on. Something she had never seen off of him for the month she had known him. "Are you going to train in that?" She asked, Kylo turning and looking at her.

"Train? You are the one training. I'm teaching." He corrected, Dayanna shaking her head as she came to a stop in front of him.

"Right, right. Of course. Commander Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren. Jedi Killer. Of course you must be fully trained."

Narrowing his eyes, he crossed his arms. "And what does that mean?"

"Nothing, nothing... just don't complain if I get the upper hand." Dayanna shrugged.

"Right. Are you ready?" He asked, taking a step forward.

"Just one thing..." Crossing her hands behind her, she smiled up at him. "I want you to teach me without the helmet on."

Growing wide eyed, Kylo's heart skipped a beat. "I can do it without taking-"

"I want it off, Master Ren." She grinned. "You will do as I say if we want this to go smoothly."

Gulping, Kylo stood frozen. He had never taken it off in front of her before—and rarely anyone else. He didn't want her to see his face, the so called creature behind the mask. The last thing he needed was to scare her away. Especially with the scar, that was the last thing he wanted to deal with. "I'm waiting..." She rocked on the balls of her feet.


"Kylo." Pouting, she batted her eyelashes. "Please... for me? No one else will see us, I made sure of it." Dayanna nodded as Kylo swallowed again.

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