Chapter Eleven-LEAN ON ME

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The entire evening Kylo had his eyes locked on Dayanna. He didn't dare look away. He didn't like the way Kane kept his eyes on the princess the entire time, as if she were his prey. It wasn't sitting well with him. Dayanna was his top priority and if a supposed prince wanted to make a false move on her, Kylo wouldn't hesitate to cut off body parts if he had to.

Keeping his eyes set on her, bouncing between Dayanna and Kane, he watched as she greeted others, dance... ate, and so forth. Although if anyone had noticed this, they would've thought he was stalking her, but what others thought never seemed to matter.

"Dayanna, my love, come over here." Dorn called to his daughter, waving a hand. A smile was on her face as she saw her family standing there, but it instantly dropped with her heart when she saw who it was that was in front of them. Kane. "We have something to discuss."

Coming to a stop beside her father as Kane had already set his eyes on Dayanna, she tightened her jaw. "What is it that we have to discuss at a ball?" Dayanna asked, words aimed for her father but keeping her skeptical eyes on Kane as he stood in between his parents. "It mustn't be all that important..."

"Dayanna, you are twenty one now..." The queen—her mother—spoke. "You have passed the age most princess get married." Feeling her heart drop at her mother's words, Kylo could feel her Force budding against his, causing him to take a few steps forward. Something wasn't right.

"Marriage? Why do I need to be married?" She questioned, it was something she despised about her title. She was seen as nothing more than that—a princess who would soon be queen and in need of a husband. "I'm doing just fine on my own."

Watching as Dayanna grew tense in her spot, fists balling up, Kylo inched closer from the distance he had with her. A crowd blocking his pathway, but lucky for him, his height was an advantage. "Yes but you will soon be titled queen when my time comes and you must have your viceroy."

"What are you implying, mother..." Dayanna bit back, feeling her anger boil up. She knew what was to come.

"Well, Kane is an exceptional man and we agreed—as to families—that you two should and will get married." Standing frozen in her spot, the sudden sound of her heart racing rapidly filled her ears, muting the music around her.

"Marriage? With Kane?" Dayanna nearly whispered, eyes instantly burning with tears. "And I have no say in this?"

"Dayanna... I don't understand, you and Kane have known each other for some time now, it isn't like-" Shaking her head, Dayanna excused herself before rushing out of the ballroom.

Narrowing his eyes, Kylo instantly moved, swiftly past people and the crowds to get to Dayanna as she exited the area. Rushing to the large doors, Kylo stopped in his tracks as his eyes landed on Dayanna, walking down the hall with her head low. "Dayanna." Hearing his mechanical voice call out, she stopped in her tracks.

"I know I shouldn't have left abruptly like I had... but I can't-" Feeling his hand on her shoulder, she took in a deep breath. "They want me to marry him..."

"They want you to marry someone you... hate?" He questioned, taking a step closer to look at her face, the way she had been holding back the tears. Her jaw tight, her breathing deep.

"Apparently it's not clear enough that I do." She lowly spoke. "And apparently what I want doesn't matter." Lifting her head up as she took in a deep breath, Kylo moved in front of her. 

"Are you tired?" He suddenly asked, Dayanna's eyebrows narrowing as she looked up at him. "Well?"

"...I suppose." Grabbing her hand, he guided her with him. Out of the long halls, towards the staircase he knew lead close to the bedrooms.

Allowing him to take the lead as she walked closely behind, Dayanna took in a deep breath as she kept her eyes on the ground. Feeling Kylo come to a stop, she looked up as he opened the bedroom door for her. "Get some rest. Cry if you need to." He simply said as he lead her forward before letting go of her hand. "You know where to find me." Just about to back up, she only grabbed onto his hand.

"Stay... please." Her voice broke, the look in her eyes causing Kylo's chest to sink. He didn't know how to deal with his own emotions, how was he supposed to deal with someone else's? Possibly why he had told her to rest.

Staring up at him with watery eyes, she was just about to lower her head, but Kylo walked back in and shut the door behind him. She couldn't hold it in any longer, now in the confines of her own room, she shoved her face into her hands. The sound of her low cries filling his ears.

Removing his helmet and placing it to the table beside him, he walked up to Dayanna. Unsure of what to do, his hands hovered over her shoulders. Hold her. Blinking, he pulled his hands back, taking a small step back.

Looking over at his helmet, and then the door, he only looked down at his hands. Fuck it. Removing his gloves and tossing them to where his helmet was, he walked up to Dayanna and pulled her to his chest. Not wasting time, Dayanna wrapped her arms around him and held tightly onto his tunic, face shoved into his chest as it muffled her tears.

Leaving his hands on her back, he moved one of his hands to the back of her head. He wanted to caress her, to show some comfort, but he didn't want it to seem forced—and he was afraid it would be too much.

Standing there for what felt like hours, Kylo had felt Dayanna's body fall limp. Nearly panicking, he felt her Force still thriving around her, carefully pushing her back and seeing she fell asleep against him. "Don't worry, Kane won't do anything to you. I'll make sure of it." He said as if she could hear him, picking her up in his arms and carrying her to her bed.

Placing her down and removing her shoes, he eyed the room for something to cover her with. Letting out a sigh, he simply removed his cape and placed it over her like a blanket. "Rest easy." At that, he left the room.

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