Chapter Twenty Three-I LOVE YOU

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"Thank you for this, dear Dayanna." Kane spoke as he walked with her arm in his, the two eyeing the vast garden the palace had to offer. "Now that we are getting married in a week, I thought it would be nice for us to... enjoy time together."

Taking in a deep breath and looking away from his deep blue eyes, Dayanna rolled her own. "You will see me every day once we are married... is that not enough time for you?" She asked with a harsh tone, not even looking at him. She was missing Kylo's presence, she hadn't seen him at all that day no thanks to Kane and the Order. The lack of his presence was starting to get to her. Could she really not go that long without him? She was accustomed to seeing him every day.

"Of course it's not, every extra day with you is a gift." Kane smiled as Dayanna turned her head to look at him, only to look away. She had no interest in the man and she wasn't even bothering to act like she had. Why was he trying so hard? "You are going to have to get over that Commanders presence, Dayanna. He won't be around you forever unlike myself." Frowning at the thought, she sighed. She didn't want to be reminded. The time on the hour glass was growing less and less and she felt the anxiety creeping up on her.

"I still will be working for the Order until I am replaced so he will be around me until then." Dayanna reminded as Kane's eyes narrowed for a moment.

"And I'm sure your mother is working hard to find that person." Lifting his head high, Dayanna looked over and glared. She didn't want to be replaced if that meant she lost Kylo by her side. She hated how her reality was becoming less and less in her control.

"Well, appreciate this now, I have a few princess duties to attend to before our wedding. Which means you won't see me for a day." She stated as Kane held back a groan of annoyance. "Speaking of which, I need to return. We have spent enough time together as it is." Slipping from his grip, picking up her gown to make sure it wouldn't get caught on the steps, she left Kane's side.

"You will not get away with this..." He muttered to himself as he watched her leave.

Although Dayanna wished she were lying, she did have matters to attend to that would take up the rest of her day. Even though she had been busy with "princess" work, she couldn't get Kylo out of the back of her mind. He was all she could think about, and no matter how hard she tried pushing him away for more important matters, he always found his way back. With the previous nights she spent with him, cuddled against him and finding a sense of relief to actually sleep some hours, it brought her closer to him. And not just physically, but within her heart she could feel it.

The feelings were becoming stronger, the sensation in her chest was harder to ignore. It was like no other, she couldn't possible explain it. She felt light, as if she was floating within the clouds every time Kylo had held her. She felt like she was going to have a heart attack every time Kylo kissed her, the way he would hold her face or pull her to him. What she felt for him was indescribable, almost anything and everything he did for her made her heart race. She knew she liked him very much... but, was it more than just a crush? More than just liking him?

Retreating back to her room after finishing her duties for the day, she passed his room and sucked in a breath. She knew he'd be returning back to Viridis soon... or maybe he had and she hadn't seen him, she just anticipated the moment she could feel him. Too bad she had to wait till morning.

Showering and drying her hair, tying it back into loose braids that connected into the main one, strands of hair falling out, Dayanna pulled on a thin strapped nightgown. The silk material brushing against her smooth skin whenever she walked.

Moving to her bed, she stopped as she looked out the window for a moment. The night sky was always a sight to see, so beautiful. The shinning stars, the bright moon the beamed down... the constellations that she could pinpoint. She wished she was out on the balcony like she had been the previous nights, where Kylo would find her and bring her to his room to help her sleep.

Synergy | Kylo Renحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن