Chapter Four-PRINCESS' WIT

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Kylo knew very well he wasn't going to get away so easily with his snarky comments when the princess always knew just how to one-up him. And she had done it so casually. It came out flowing like a river as if she didn't even have to try to form an attack against him—verbally, of course.

The entire time they had flown up to the Finalizer, to landing in the hangar and walking into the hallway, Kylo found his shoulders dropping lower and lower the more he realized he wasn't going to win. Dayanna had a mouth on her and she used it wisely.

"I'm sure this isn't up to your standards, not enough color, greenery or... gold. But I'm sure you will get used to it and maybe you will understand why I am the way I am." Kylo said as he walked alongside her, officers and troopers looking at her as if she had been an unheard of creature all thanks to the way she had been dressed. She didn't mind, she was used to the attention, it wasn't her fault their sense of fashion wasn't up to par like hers was.

"Oh, not a worry, I've worked in bunkers and plenty of spacecraft and hidden bases to understand why many people in the military suffer from depression. Maybe you're suffering from it, as well." Shooting his head over at her, Kylo glared and clenched his fists, the leather tightening and rubbing, filling her ears as she smirked. "But that's fine, maybe my liveliness will shed some light onto your life."

Seeing the smile on Dayanna's face, Kylo lowly scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking away momentarily to compose himself. He was flustered. Both in an irritated way because she knew where just about every nerve that would bother him were and... her smile. He loathed the sensation in his chest, it wasn't lovely and he did not miss feeling it. Or so he tried convincing himself.

"You and the General must get along quite well." Kylo mumbled.


"I said you and that tiara of yours brings too much attention." He lied as Dayanna lifted a brow.

"Would you like to wear it and I wear the helmet?" She asked, looking up at him as he huffed. "I think it's a fair trade, Kylo Ren."

"I'll pass." Narrowing his brows, he turned his focus ahead and came to a stop. "This is the command room but we will not go in it now."

"Why's that?"

"I don't need Hux knowing we're here." Grabbing Dayanna's arm, he pulled her away.

"So much for the 'I do whatever I want' attitude of yours." She snickered as Kylo gritted his teeth. He was his own worst enemy.

"Appreciate that I'm even doing this, the General would've expected you to learn the place inside out on your own, princess." Kylo seethed, but a part of him felt light hearted. He didn't have to bring her into the Finalizer and show her where everything possibly was like how he had now. But he was...

"Thank you." She simply spoke, Kylo slowly looking over at her before loosening his grip. "I truly appreciate it."

Taking in a deep breath, he turned his head, not wanting to look any longer at her. "Yeah."

Continuing his free tour, showing her around different sectors—including restricted ones as she would more than likely have access to them—he slowed his pace at one of the sectors. A quiet one. A very quiet and barren area. "Where are we now?" Dayanna asked, eyeing the black doors that lined along. They had gaps of walls in between, but it was all very organized, redundant and... bland.

"Private quarters. Living areas." Kylo said. "I am taking you to where you would be staying if you were to stay a night..." He trailed, as if in his mind having someone like her living alongside him was too much... too much of a distraction.

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