Chapter Three-A NEW WORLD

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"This will be your living space if you choose to stay the night. It is heavily implied you do as it'll give you an even easier job to keep an eye out on the princess." One of the guards—a name Kylo didn't bother to pay attention to when being introduced—spoke. "You may take a look if you please. The queen will come for you to discuss traveling matters to and from the Finalizer and your duty." At that the guard turned and walked off, leaving Kylo in front of a large door. Large, at least for most people. It was rather wide as well but for his build, it was nothing special.

Pressing down on the silver handle, Kylo pushed the wooden door open, instantly being presented to a large room. Almost like an apartment if one were to describe. A much better stay than what he had on the Finalizer now.

To his right was a small kitchen, beside it a door that must've lead to a closet or washroom, then at the center was a living space with shiny glass doors across from him that sat in between drapes that had been pinned to a side. The windows of the room were nearly as large as the walls. The view was otherworldly, not just open space, but an actual scenery. Something Kylo was tempted to look at but saved it for later. He couldn't turn down the offer, he'd never hear the end of it from Snoke.

Turning his attention over to the left of him, a pair of sliding doors sat. Handles engraved within the wood along with complex and ornate designs. Everything around him—from the wallpaper to the paintings, even the rugs, were elegant.

Feeling his curiosity get the best of him, Kylo walked over to the doors and slid them open, being introduced to the bedroom. The bedroom itself must've been as big as his living quarters back when the base had been around. The bed must've been twice the size of his own and the ceilings were taller than those in the hangar—of course, exaggerating. For someone even his size, the room seemed a little too much for his taste. All that space for him? His mind would get the best of him.

Turning away from the bedroom and back out into the living area, Kylo walked to the glass doors and opened them. The cool breeze of the afternoon echoing and flowing with his cape behind him before he walked out onto the balcony. Overlooking the backside of the palace—or possible a side to the palace—there was endless amounts of greens. Trees, bushes and hedges, plants... gardens. There had even been a maze and fountains. The sounds of birds tweeting and crickets chirping filled his ears as the sun beaming down reflected onto his visor. It was a much livelier place than anything he's been living on with the Order.

Hearing talking come from a distance, Kylo turned his wandering eyes away from the distant hills and bright blue sky to down bellow him. A terrace with multiple seating areas and even more plants. From around a corner, Hux had appeared, alongside the queen and... the princess. Keeping his focus on her and solely her, he watched as she walked. The way she held her hands together, how the upper part of her dress hugged her body tightly that at the angle Kylo was in was a clear view of her... stop it, Ren! Blinking, he looked elsewhere, the shining of her crown catching his attention as the bejeweled fabric that was dragged along the ground made him stare.

It was pure royalty, he couldn't help but wonder if his... mother lived like this. Let alone, grandmother. But, he couldn't seem to believe it. His mother seemed far more simpler than these people.

Listening deeply on the conversation her mother—the queen—had been having with the General, Dayanna's attention was caught elsewhere. A feeling of eyes on her, as if she were being watched. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, plenty of people watched over her. But this one, this one felt different... it felt stronger.

Continuing her walk along the terrace, her eyes wandered upward from the path ahead of her, instantly landing on the balcony and the person standing on it. The Commander. He had been standing there, a hand on the railing as he had looked over... eyes connecting with her own—or so they were behind his visor. A sudden leap was felt in her chest, even from a distance, his focus pierced through her own. Although his stare wasn't so intimidating, it sent something down her spine. A tingling sensation like no other.

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