Chapter Twenty-STAR GAZERS

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That next morning Dayanna had woken up in Kylo's arms, the previous day being nothing but that—being in his arms. It was so comforting, so warm. It'd be pressed up against him, to feel and hear his breathing. To have his warmth radiate onto her. It was so relaxing. Something she needed before she returned to her home planet... where she knew she'd soon be scolded. It wasn't very princess like... but, was anything she was doing princess like?

"I don't want to return... the days are passing me by too quickly." Dayanna said as she sat on the co-pilots seat, biting on her thumb.

"Enjoy the fact that I'm still around." Kylo said as she rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean." Looking at her as she kept her focus low, Kylo had set the ship on autopilot.

"I don't want you to go..." She breathed before looking up. "I know how wrong this but, Kylo, I can't help what I feel. It's something I would never feel for Kane..."

Watching her, Kylo only stood up and grabbed her hand. "Come on."

"What?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, we need to appreciate this while it lasts, don't we?" He said, leaning down to kiss her before he stood straight and pulled her from her seat.

"What are you-" Moving back to his seat, he sat her on his lap as his arms snaked around her waist.

"Just look at the view, enjoy it. Know that I'm here with you as you... sit on my lap." He said, Dayanna's heart fluttering as she slowly nodded. "Just the two of us." He lowly spoke as he leaned back in his seat, Dayanna leaning against him as they both gazed at the stars. Something far more relaxing than she expected. Especially while being this close to Kylo.

Taking in a deep breath, Dayanna moved her hand on top of Kylo's, fingers slipping in between his own. Feeling her fingers, Kylo took a moment before his own curled up with hers. Smiling to herself, she leaned her head back to rest against his own, sitting in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride.

Approaching Viridis, Kylo was about to tell Dayanna, only to realize she had fallen asleep. Looking over at her, he took in a small breath. The way her face had softened from resting, her hair falling onto it as her chest slowly shifted. Brushing her hair away from her face, he deeply inhaled. He knew he shouldn't have done any of this... getting close, kissing her, holding her. But he couldn't stop himself, it seemed impossible at this point. Especially when he felt something strong for her. Something stronger than he had ever before.

Clearing his throat, Kylo nudged her the slightest. "Dana..." He spoke, but she didn't budge. "Dana."

Lightly groaning, Dayanna's eyebrows narrowed before her eyes opened. "Hmm..." She hummed, looking up at him and giving him a small smile.

"We're approaching Viridis." He said, looking up and out the window as she sat up.

"Oh..." Her smile faded as she then stood up, but Kylo grabbed her hand. "Yeah?"

Looking up at her, as if he had something to say, he only let go of her hand. "Nothing."

Staring at him as he looked away, she slowly nodded her head before moving to the copilot seat. "Thank you... for everything." She softly spoke as Kylo kept his focus ahead. "I very much enjoyed the time we spent together."

Taking in a deep breath breath, he looked down at the panel as Dayanna looked over at him, almost as if waiting for a response. "Yeah..."

Sucking in a breath, she looked away, down at her rings as she bit her inner lip. She was afraid that Kylo was only acting such way back on Chandrila because they were away and alone... and not because he wanted to be that way anywhere else.

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