Chapter Thirteen-CLOSENESS

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"No matter what he says, you stay in the room, alright?" Dayanna lifted a finger, walking alongside Kylo to the dinning room.

"Like I'd listen to some bafoon?" Kylo narrowed his brows, helmet now back on.

Looking over at him, she eyed his cape. "Thank you for your cape."


"Your cape... the other night, you left it on me. Thank you." Dayanna smiled.

Nearly forgetting about it, Kylo swallowed. "I'd like it back."

Letting out a small scoff, she glared. "You are so hard to be nice to, you know that?" Dayanna shook her head as she picked up her pace, Kylo groaning as his shoulders slumped. What was he supposed to say? Keep it? Yeah, keep it princess, it smells like me. It's like having your lover's shirt. Trying to catch up with her, she came to a stop at a pair of doors that were guarded. "He is with me."

Lookin at the guard she spoke to, Kylo watched as they eyed him for a moment before opening the doors. "Ah, princess Dayanna." Kane spoke as he stood up, a wide grin on his lips as he walked over to her eagerly, only to slow his pace. "And her shadow..."

"Kane... this is Commander Ren. My guard." She emphasized on the word as Kane gave Kylo an unkind look. "He will be with us in the room."

"Do you not trust me?" Kane chuckled, grabbing her hand to kiss it.

"No, of course not." She blatantly responded as Kane nearly choked in his spot.

"Princess, I have done nothing wrong to you. Ever." He said loud enough for Kylo to here.

"And we will keep it that way if you would like to keep what you have in your pants safe." She grinned as Kane took in a quiet, deep breath. Looking over at Kylo, she nodded. Making his way towards the back, where the doors had been closed, Dayanna moved to one end of the table.

"I promise you, it will be a lovely dinner." Kane assured as he pulled out her seat before sitting beside her—something she should've seen coming, and Kylo wasn't liking it one bit.

The entire dinner he kept his eyes on Kane rather than Dayanna. The way the man leaned close, moved his hand inches way from Dayanna's own. He even got a little too touchy for Kylo's liking. The way he would brush his knuckles against her cheek, place his hand on her shoulder, or even brush his fingers against her own. Kylo each and every time was moments away from walking over and shoving Kane's hand away but Dayanna was quick enough to do it.

"Kane, you know very well you are not getting anything out of this."

"We are getting married, princess." He pointed out as Dayanna cringed.

"We may get married." She corrected.

"The odds aren't looking so good for you if you're so against it. So far, it is happening." He shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "I may just be the future viceroy."

Taking in a deep breath, she held tightly onto the arm rest of the chair. "What do you mean..."

"Lots of talk... words have spread. Families meeting up. You know, to encourage the act." Kane waved a hand. "The queen, your mother, is very for the marriage... and so is your father." He smiled as Dayanna blinked. "We may even get married sooner than you think."


"We have known each other for quite sometime, isn't like we need warming up to do." He shrugged.

"You know very well that I do not like you and you are enjoying every bit of this." Dayanna seethed. "You want me to suffer."

"Of course not, I am not that cruel." Kane shook his head with a small laugh.

"But you are. You're nothing but a tramp." She snapped.

"Dayanna, there is no need to take your anger out on me." Kane shook his head, placing a hand on hers, Kylo instantly stepping forward. "I may have a history, but my eyes are set on you-"

"As your next victim."

"As my future wife." He corrected as Dayanna shook her head. "Relax, it will be a wonderful ride. You and I, together forever..." Leaning forward, he whispered, "Taking all of your firsts."

Growing wide eyed, her heart skipped a beat in her chest as her face dropped. Not even realizing it until the moment Kane lifted his head up, Kylo was now beside her. "I suggest you keep some distance." Kylo spoke.

"My dear... brooding friend. You can't protect her forever. She will soon be mine and I will be the one to keep her close as you will be a faint memory." Kane stood, taking one last sip of his wine. "Keep that in mind."

Watching Kane walk off, Kylo snarled. He didn't like this Kane man and just about now he was ready to slice him in half. Possibly why his hand was on his lightsaber, not realizing it until Dayanna laid her own hand on his. "It's not worth it."

"What did he say? He got too close to you and I could sense your discomfort." Kylo asked, letting go of the lightsaber as Dayanna's hand fell.

"Foolish things." She shook her head, looking down at the table cloth. "He's a terrible man."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Kylo glared at the door, only wishing he had Forced choked the man.

Turning his head and looking down at Dayanna, Kylo reached out his hand. "You need to rest. With a dinner like this, you must be drained."

Looking up at him, through the visor and where his eyes would be, Dayanna gave him a small smile before grabbing his hand and standing up. Although Kylo has plenty of his moments, he was far more of a gentleman than Kane could ever be.

Walking hand in hand back to her room, Dayanna quietly stayed beside him along the way, lost in her thoughts. Every now and then, Kylo found himself looking over at her, trying to read her emotions and body language. She was drained, that was a given, and now that her marriage was more than likely going to happen, he knew that was eating her alive.

Pushing open the door and walking in, Kylo aimed for her bed as she sat on it. "You may be married off, but you will be the queen of your home planet and he will still be beneath you." Kylo reminded as his hand was still in hers, looking down at Dayanna as she had her focus low. "And, by then, no one can truly tell you want to do if you don't like it."

Looking up and nodding, she gave his hand a small squeeze. "Thank you."

"I may come off as standoffish, but... you come before anyone else. Especially that asshole." Kylo admitted for the first time—not only to her—but to himself.

"Although you can be hard headed and quite the handful... your presence is much appreciated." Dayanna smiled as Kylo's heart fluttered. He was glad his helmet was still on. "At least your attitude is slowly improving."

"That must be nice for you, isn't it?"

"Mhm." Dayanna lowly laughed. "Like I said, you've become a friend of mine."

Nodding his head, Kylo nearly mumbled, "Likewise."

Sitting there in silence, hand still in his, she kicked off her heels before patting the spot beside her for Kylo to sit. Although not realizing it first, Kylo felt a tug on his arm and then saw the gesture. Taking a seat beside her, Dayanna let go of his hand momentarily to remove his helmet, placing it on the bed behind her. "In all honesty, I've wanted to do that for a while now." She chuckled before grabbing his hand again, Kylo's heart sinking at how... close she was being. Holding his hand, scooting closer to him and resting her head on his arm. "You look better with it off..." She lowly spoke, a quiet yawn leaving her lips as she shut her eyes for a moment.

"Thank... you."

"I think it'd be lovely, if you... never wore it... again." Unable to reopen her eyes, she felt her sleep overrule her.

"Maybe someday." Looking ahead at the body mirror across from him, Kylo took in a deep breath at the sight. "Maybe someday..."

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