Chapter Six-DISTANCE

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Sitting in the office space Hux had assigned Dayanna, she scrolled through endless files on her brand new datapad. The screen was so clear that at first she didn't even want to touch it. Such thing wasn't used on Viridis, so she took advantage.

At first, she was going through a few rules and regulations that one of the Lieutenants insisted she look through, even if she wasn't entirely with the Order. Then, she went through a few files on previous missions to review their reports to learn of the Orders tactics and way of battle—something to help her in the future. But then, somehow, she had found herself looking through restricted files. Personal files. Phasma, Hux and a few other officers had appeared. Clicking on Phasmas, learning a few things, she moved onto Hux. They were quite interesting but not as interesting as the file she had been on now.

Biting her thumb, eyes locked on the screen as she scrolled through, reading endless amounts of information, her eyebrows lifted as she whispered, "Ben Solo..." Biting her lower lip, she tilted her head. "It is forbidden to speak of said name as commanded by Supreme Leader Snoke..." Continuing to scroll, moving to less shocking information, Dayanna grinned. "190.5 centimeters tall... wow, I bet the boots make him even taller." She chuckled. Just about to read on, she heard a knock, instantly exiting the file and locking the tablet. "Come in."

"There you are." Kylo spoke with an irritated tone, she could tell even through the apparatus. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"I'm here... in the office... I was assigned to." Dayanna spoke in confusion. "Where else would I be?"

"I don't know? Wandering around like a lost princess." He crosses his arms, earning a look from Dayanna.

"You really think that less of me? As if I didn't just hold a meeting and discussed a well put out plan? As if none of your peers respected me?" Standing from her seat and pressing her palms against the metallic surface as she leaned forward. "I have only known you for two days, Commander. Two. You can't possibly have a set opinion on me."

"You're a princess, am I supposed to think anything more of you?" Scoffing at his words, Dayanna stood straight and aimed towards him, a look on her face as if she were ready to smack him across the face if she could. Except, she shoved passed him and exited the room.

Shaking his head, Kylo let out a loud, disgruntled groan that sounded far worse coming from his helmet. The last thing he needed was an upset princess—even if it was his fault.

Days had passed and Dayanna kept her distance, barely speaking to Kylo unless she had to. The moments it was just the two of them she acted as if he were any other guard, staying silent. Most of her days were spent on the Finalizer, busier than she thought she could possibly be while other days she was back in the city of Ao, tending to royal matters. For the days she had been on the Finalizer—which was most—Dayanna barely saw Kylo. As for when she was on Viridis, there was no avoiding there.

The days had turned into weeks and it had easily been two weeks since Kylo had heard a full sentence from Dayanna, and a part of him was upset about it. Internally, he knew he missed the sound of her voice and the sight of her. Externally, he was annoyed that she was giving him the cold shoulder. He didn't deserve it when he was wasting his time watching after her. Or so he believed.

Kylo had spent a few days out on missions to keep his mind distracted and away from the suffocating thoughts that were of Dayanna. They were absolutely pointless and didn't entirely need him, but it was enough the let his rage out on something.

"More troops, more troops!" One of the stormtroopers in the distance waved a hand. From across, a figure battling through the sea of white, a familiar scarf covering their face. Although it was too dark, he could easily recognize them. The person from Tatooine. They must've been one of the best soldiers the Resistance had to fight like that and use anything and everything as a weapon.

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