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"no bye, no aloha"

vanessa didn't show up at school today and to say richie was bummed is an understatement. he's gotten so accustomed to having her by his side at lunch, walking her to class, driving her home, that it felt off without her.

after school, richie is with bill. they walk around downtown derry and talk about anything that comes to mind. "have you talked to beverly?" richie brings up the red-haired girl who once was in vanessa's place as being the only girl in the group.

bill's eyebrows knit together, staying silent as richie continues to reminisce. "i miss her. she doesn't call anymore which fucking sucks." richie aludes. bill clears his throat, "yeah, she doesn't call me either."

"probably busy, ya know. jersey is a wild place." richie takes a drag from his cigarette. vanessa crosses his mind as he wonders about her whereabouts. "do you know how vanessa became mute?" bill questions but the only answer richie provides is a shake of the head.

"i wish i did but i do know is it happened when she was a kid." richie reveals, remembering when vanessa's father told him briefly when he was over for a barbecue. "i-it sucks that she can't talk."

"well what can we do, ya know." richie flicks his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. "have you wondered what her voice would sound like?" bill ponders.

richie always thought about what her voice sounds like. the pitch, if she was soft spoken, if she has an accent. most importantly to richie, he wonders how it sounded like when she laughed, seeing how often he makes her laugh.

"well whatever she sounds like, i bet it's beautiful."

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