twenty four

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"when i'm with you, you make feel so good"

"i thought about our next date." richie announces to vanessa while driving to school. the couple has gone on several dates after the first but richie slowly is running out of ideas. "we should go to the quarry again." richie smiles, parking in place as they arrive in the student parking lot.

"what do you think, chatterbox?" vanessa nods, a granola bar stuffed in her cheeks. she offers some to richie who doesn't decline. "holy shit, this is good."

the couple step out of the car, making their way into the school hands intertwined. "oh look it's the lovers." stan nudges eddie while they walk towards the group. "soon-to-be awarded the greatest couple at derry high, thank you, thank you." richie bows, fake boos lowly emit from the guys.

"what were you losers talking about before we got here?" richie leans back against the cool metal of the lockers, arms wrapped around vanessa's shoulders. "sleepover at my house pre-graduation weekend." ben says. "will we be drinking?" "my mom would actually murder you." ben warns, chuckling at the frown resting on richie's lips

"it's not a party without booze!" "there will be no booze!" eddie exclaims with his hands in the air in annoyance. richie groans playfully, resting his head atop of vanessa's. "is nessa invited to this no booze sleepover?" richie hums, glancing down at vanessa playing with her bracelet.

ben nods, earning a quick hug from vanessa. "but you two can't sleep together." "first no drinking, now no sleeping together? this is a nightmare." richie jokingly responds, getting shoved playfully from vanessa. the bell echos through the hall, signaling for class. the group disperse in different directions, exchanging quick see you laters.

richie walks vanessa to class who analyzes her messily written notes. "you'll ace that exam, i'm telling you." richie reassures her, kissing her knuckles. vanessa sighs, bracing herself once they approach the classroom.

"good luck kiss?" richie smirks, vanessa smiles as she leans in for a quick peck. the feeling of eyes boring into richie is almost a sixth sense as he glances around to see people staring at them. his eyes lands back on vanessa who is visibly uncomfortable with the newfound attention.

richie nods for vanessa to go in her class, giving her one last kiss on the cheek. "is this a fucking show? quit looking!" richie proclaims, shooting the students staring at him a nasty glare. unfortunately his response catches the attention of mr. mooney, the teacher assigning vanessa an exam this morning.

"tozier, i know you're graduating in three weeks but you still have to follow the rules." mr. mooney huffs out. richie groans in annoyance, "c'mon, all these shitbags were staring at me and my girlfriend. would you like if someone was staring at your balding head?"

mr. mooney shoots richie a pity smile, "principal's office, rich." "this is the fourth time, can't you just let it slide?" "would've let it slide but you did just use a degrading phrase." mr. mooney grabs a hold of richie's shirt, assisting him to mrs. shears's office.

richie looks back at vanessa, who is giggling at the sight of him. "wait for me, juliet! your romeo will return!" "oh shut it!" mr. mooney interjects, biting back a smile.

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