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"and i wanna spend some time with you"

as the days pass by, richie becomes more eager to ask vanessa out. he tried to drop her subtle hints but they only came out the wrong way which would cause vanessa to giggle.

today, he prepares himself to actually ask her on a date, having some guidance from none other than stan. "ask if she would like to go on a date, don't command it. her input matters." richie nods while fixing his hair in the restroom. his mind is cluttered with doubt but his main focus is vanessa.

"clean your glasses." "i cleaned them five times." richie mutters. "remember, she's not going to hate you when you ask her and it won't ruin anything if she says no." stan advises, watching richie fix himself.

richie steps back to get a view of himself, if she rejects him then he'll look good as hell while getting his heart broken. "i'm ready." richie confirms to himself, and to stan. they walk out the restroom to the lockers where the rest of the group wait. "finally, now we can leave." eddie breathes out, shoes squeaking against the floor when he turns to head out.

stan gives richie a nudge when vanessa stands beside him, his stomach twisting within himself from the butterflies. "vanessa, can i talk to you alone for a sec?" richie manages to get out, vanessa nods.

"if he tries anything, blow the whistle i gave you." eddie advises, holding the girl by her shoulders. "you gave her a whistle?" "a rape wh-" stan covers eddie's mouth and leads him away from the two teenagers. richie gets closer to vanessa when the group is out of the building.

"so i was thinking..." richie starts off but freezes when his eyes lock with vanessa's. richie's heart felt like it stops momentarily when he realizes what he's about to do. his mouth becomes dry, his hands become sweaty.

vanessa signals for him to speak. "uh." richie looks down at his shoes, they never seemed so interesting. he can't back out now, just eleven more words then the scary part is over with. he takes a deep breath, "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?"

vanessa gives him a confused expression, probably due to not understanding what he said. richie's eyes widen and he nervously laughs. "did i say that too fast?" she nods. richie takes another deep breath, remembering what stan told him. "would you like to go out on a date with me?"

vanessa appears taken back by the question, she shuffles in place yet keeps eye contact. richie assumes that he blew it and his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. he's already picking out songs to cry to in his room later.

"i'm sorry." he whispers, covering his face but vanessa tugs his hands away. a soft smile rests on her face while she pulls out her notepad, writing quickly. richie could pass out at the words written down.

yes i'll go out with you :)

he claps his hands loudly in victory, "sublime!" vanessa laughs when richie pulls her into a warm hug, spinning her around the hallway.

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