Chapter 29

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"You should eat something." Savannah and I had been working on vision blocking all day, and I was nearing exhaustion. "Give me twenty minutes, and I'll have the table set."

I started to stand up, but my weak legs wouldn't hold me. I quickly sat back down. "I think I'll stay here for a while until I feel a bit stronger." Or until I was sure I wouldn't face plant once I got to my feet.

She leaned down and brought her eyes to mine. "Your mind is tired, but much stronger already. I'll send Dustin down, and he can help you recharge."

She disappeared out the door, leaving me to ponder the day's accomplishments. It felt like we had been working for hours. Over and over, Savannah would place her hand over mine and send visions barreling into my subconscious. Each time, I built the wall in my mind and forced them out. Sometimes I would linger in the vision too long, feeling my heart race with unknown fear. But Savannah's voice would find me and bring me back to the task at hand. Every time got easier than the last, giving me instant gratification from my demanding work.

"Hey." Dustin's voice startled me out of my reverie. "Savannah told me you weren't feeling well." He sat in the chair she had just vacated, in front of me. "How did things go?" He gently reached out and placed his hand on my cheek.

I closed my eyes as his energy filled the empty voids of my mind and body. "It went well, I think. But I am so worn out."

He brought my hand to his cheek, doubling the energy flowing into my weak system. "I remember learning how to wipe and imprint memories when I was newly turned. It was a strenuous process, and I was often tired and lethargic. I understand what you are going through, and I wish I could be more helpful."

I smiled up at him. "I already feel better, thanks to you. How many people are lucky enough to have their own energy charger? I just want to feel normal, and Savannah promises that if I work hard, I'll get there." I pulled my hand from his cheek, and slowly stood up.

"I have no doubt. Nothing gets in your way once you set your mind to something." He planted a gentle kiss on my lips, and led me towards the dining room.

Savannah was already at the table, talking to Kaitlyn. They both stopped and looked up when we entered. "How are you feeling, Katie?"

I sat down and reached for my water glass, draining it in one long gulp. "Better. Very hungry, though."

She smiled. "That's normal for the amount of training you accomplished today. You did remarkably well for your first time. Your mind is incredibly strong, and I think you will find the rest of the training less taxing, as long as you keep up your strength. Now, load up your plate and let's enjoy this beautiful meal." She began scooping food from the nearest serving tray.

I was less tentative this time, and didn't hesitate to fill my plate.

"Dustin, I received word from Brian today, and there is some news about Kellan." Savannah poured herself a glass of wine.

Dustin looked up sharply. "What have you heard?"

"The word from Tennison is that he escaped a few weeks ago, with about ten of his followers. We don't have word yet whether your parents are with him, but our sources say they haven't been seen since the escape. The Overseers have been notified, and they will be sending out a group of hunters to track them."

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