Chapter 31

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My eyes were swollen when I tried to open them.  My body was heavy, and I felt confused, as I struggled to sit up.  I was in my bed, and Savannah was watching me from across the room, her dainty legs crossed in front of her.

"Katie."  She stood up and slowly came towards me.  "Are you okay?"

It only took a moment for the empty pain to return, strangling me from the inside out.  "Please tell me he's back."  I looked at her, imploringly.  But I knew the answer before she said it.  I could feel it in my lonely heart.

"Katie, what happened?  We heard you screaming, and then, well, this."  She gestured at the mess around us.  The window panes didn't have any glass, and there were books all over the floor.  The wooden splinters of the desk chair were mixed with the jagged shards of window glass on the carpet, making it look like some epic battle had occurred in my bedroom.

"Dustin asked me to marry him..."  I glanced down at my hand, where the beautiful symbol of his love sparkled brightly.

"That's wonderful!"  Savannah exclaimed, then she caught the look on my face.  "Isn't it?"

"I screwed up so bad.  I told him that I was worried that our Link might be responsible for the feelings we have for each other, and that maybe we wouldn't feel so strongly without it."

She raised her eyebrows.  "I see.  I suspect he didn't take it very well."

I shook my head.  "He left me.  I lost the best thing that ever happened to me and I feel like I'm dying inside.  I was just so shocked by the proposal, that I started to doubt everything, including my feelings.  What am I going to do?"

She took my hand gently, looking into my eyes.  "The interesting thing about a Link, is that it ties you to someone on so many levels, but it can't create something that isn't there.  Most people in a Linked relationship enjoy each other's company, and feel protective of each other, but if the love wasn't there before, it's not going to miraculously appear.  Your love for Dustin is just as it would be, with or without the Link."

I flopped back down on the bed.  "I hope I didn't lose him forever.  How am I supposed get through all of this without him?"

"You are going to have to rely on your inner strength to deal with this.  He loves you, he will get over it, he just needs time.  Until then, you need to focus on what you came here to do."

"How am I going to do that?  I feel completely empty inside."

She nodded, knowingly.  "And that's exactly what you need to feel, to truly own your own destiny.  I know it hurts, but you must keep going.  Look at this room.  You are not in control of your mind, and that is dangerous not only to you, but to those around you.  You came here for reason and I intend to help you reach that goal."

"How can I focus when I hurt so much?"

"Put it in a box in your mind.  All the pain and guilt and uncertainty, locked in a box and stored in the recesses of your subconscious, until you are mentally ready to deal with it."  I realized that her lips weren't moving, and I was hearing her in my head.  "Can you do that?"

I nodded slowly, feeling my mind begin to free itself.  "Okay."

"I want to start working again tomorrow.  But for tonight, let's try to have a little fun, and get your mind off your sadness.  It's almost dinner, so meet me in the dining room in ten minutes.  After we eat, we will try to salvage what's left of today."


Savannah stood up.  "Katie, you are stronger than you think.  Dustin will come around, and when he does, you will know for sure that you can handle anything, with or without him."

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