Shades of Eternity

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Hey babes. It's Jamiya_16. I'm doing my new book, Fiery Shades so this is the first chapter called Shades of Eternity.

I hope you guys love the chapter and the whole book.

So stay tuned & Enjoy...


Hey guys. I'm Nikki Bella. I'm the longest reigning WWE Divas Champion in WWE history. My twin sister Brie Bella and I worked in WWE for 9 years but we are the most popular divas to ever to step in the WWE. My goal in the WWE... is to get back in the ring and being unstoppable and coming back as being FEARLESS.

Right now, I woke up with my sister Brie because I want to have a twin day and working out for my comeback.

At Hotel Gym

Brie & I are in the treadmill. We been liking running like 20 miles. Brie is here with me because I want to working out for my big return comeback coming up so I have to be ready.

Brie: Wanna go to lunch? Asked Nikki.

Nikki: Nah. I'll just eat lunch at the hotel restaurant later, I'm don't feel like going out. Brie, you can go. I said  while lifting my bottled water.

She soon left and headed to the locker room to change. I was working with the boxes that she got out of the locker room.

Brie: Nikki, I'm going.

Nikki: Okay see you later.

Brie walked towards the door and she bumped into two certain people, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins. Someone is the person that I have my eyes on. His real name is Colby Daniel Lopez well Seth Rollins it is. Uh yeah, I've been searching a lot about him.

Roman: Hello, beautiful. I'm Roman and this is my best friend, Seth.

Brie: I'm Brie. Nikki's twin sister. Hey guys, I'm gonna headed out to go to lunch, so uh you two can watch Nicole for me? as they looked towards me and Brie whispered something to them and they chuckled.

I wondered what my sister said to them but there's one thing is in my mind. Oh God No! Brie already knew that I've liked Seth. She just had said it to him.
Oh no! I looked away and continued to work out and do some stretching.


I'm walking towards Brie's twin sister, Nikki as she continued stretching.

Seth: Hey, Nicole

Nikki: Hey!

She smiled and sit on the box next to her. I can't get my eyes off of her. Sweat dripping down to her chest then she looked at me.

Nikki: I gotta go.

Seth: Uh, Nicole... would you like to go have a lunch with me?

I don't know why I said that but I'm expecting a yes. She smiled and got up.

Nikki: You just got here. She chuckled.

Seth: Well, your sister said to watch you. I utterly said as she looked at me straight in my eyes. Well, I just want us to go to lunch?" I continued saying.

Nikki: Sure!

Seth: Great!

Seth: Roman, I'm going to lunch with Nikki!

Roman: I'll go with you!


About a while ago, I felt like going out but now Seth asked me. I've changed my mind. I can't just say no to him. But I will staring his cute, hot, handsome face for a quite, long site.

We've arrived to the restaurant few blocks away from the hotel. I sat with Brie while I'm facing Seth and Roman facing Brie.

Brie: Hey guys. She smiled at us.

Seth & Roman: Hey

Seth: Hey... didn't know you're here.

Brie and Roman laughed as I glare at them and shook my head.

Nikki: Can't I changed my mind?" I smirked and looked at Seth smiled at me.

We ordered our food together. Roman throwing some funny jokes at us. I played as well. We just had a good time. It was just a memorable because Seth asked me. Even though, Brie and Roman are with us too, it's always happy to have a best friends with you.

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