Why is This Happening

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Roman Reigns POV

I can't believe it! The Wedding's off! I never had to see my fiance in her dress, walking down the aisle. It's take away from me.

I watched Brie drove away from the house, and then I look at her engagement ring in my hand, looked devastated.

I know she's heartbreaking. I felt her pain, too.

I ran back to the house and confronted Summer.

Summer, what the hell! " I yelled.

"Roman, I was surprise you that I made it here and that I love you. " Summer said

"I love Brie! Only Brie! We did dated about 3 and half years until he flirting with another bitch, then I find another woman who made me feel like a better than you as and now, you let my fiancee cancelled my wedding because you still have feelings for me. Brie tried to commit suicide because we
accidentally had sex in my locker room.

YOU TAKING BRIE AWAY FROM ME! " I yelled in anger.

"Hey Hey Hey, Roman calmed down. " Seth backup Roman. Summer, Get the hell out of here. Stay the hell away from Roman! " Seth replies.

At upstairs, Nikki and her mom Kathy were on the phone, heard about where is Brie at.

"Brie, where are you?" Nikki said in worried.

" I'm at the Medano Beach. " Brie softly cried to the phone.

"OK, we're on our way. " Kathy said.

Nikki and Kathy drove away from the house to Medano Beach and saw Brie's car in the parking lot.

It was dozen of people in the beach until they saw Brie sitting down in the hot sand.

They came up to her and hugged her from behind.

"Brie, I'm so sorry. " Kathy said in worried tone.


Roman sat in his bed, thinking about the wedding day, seeing Seth & Nikki and mostly Brie in her dress, staring at his eyes as the priest presence them both as husbands and wives.

Everything seems so perfect then it fades away.

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