If You Could See What I See

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The twins were standing in silence backstage as they watched the monitors that were displaying what was going on in the ring. Neither of them had said a word to each other all day expect for when they had no choice since they were tag team partners.

Roman and Seth gave each other a knowing nod before they crept up on their girlfriends and gave them hugs from behind. Brie jumped a little before turning around to scold Roman who had a big smile on his face.

Brie: Oh My Gosh! You don't have to do that." She said to Roman while she playfully hit his chest.

Roman: It was Seth's idea. He said trying to hold his laugh.

Seth threw his hands up in the air after receiving a glare from his own girlfriend, Nikki.

Seth: I thought it would be funny

Nikki: Well it wasn't. She said while glaring him.

Seth pulled Nikki into an apologetic hug and mumbled into her ear.

Seth: It was pretty funny seeing you scared though.

Nikki pulled away and rolled her eyes at him, jokingly.

"Me, Dean, Seth, and the guys are heading out for some drinks after the show, you ladies coming?" Roman ask but not breaking his stare into Brie's eyes. Brie broke the stare after a moment to turn and looked at her sister who she could tell was contemplating the idea.

"Seriously Nikki?"

"What? I didn't even say anything." Nikki defended, innocently.

You didn't say no either. Haven't we gone through this enough? Brie asked feeling exasperated.

Seth furrowed his eyebrows confused, "Gone through what, exactly?" He asked Brie.

Brie shook her head at her sister in disappointment and walked away. Roman and Seth looked at each other wondering if either of them had any clue what was going on. Roman turned to go after her but before he got the chance, Nikki grabbed his tattooed arm to stop him.

"Don't. She's upset with me. I should go talk to her." Nikki said, feeling a bit annoyed by it all.

"What's going on with you two?" Roman responded.

Nikki sighed and crossed her arm over Brie's chest. Seth took a seat on an equipment box waiting for her to respond. "We have the SummerSlam photoshoot coming up next month and she wants us to go on this green juice diet. Its disgusting. It tastes like someone's garden. And I'm admit... I'm a woman who likes to eat and that's okay. So yes, I might of cheated and had a muffin and a couple of glasses of wine here and there. So now, she's upset with me. Nikki sighed another sign, That's not even the worst part. She called me fat..."

Roman raised an eyebrow and shook his head in disbelief. "I can't imagine Brie saying something like that."

I mean she didn't say those exact words but she said this is the reason why people call you fat on Twitter and she stormed out.

Wow that's rough. But you know you're not fat, right? Your body is perfect, trust me." Seth said as he raised his eyebrows, "You're damn hot!"

A smile crept across Nikki's face as she rolled her eyes again at him.

"But why did she think you guys needed to go on that diet in the first place? She hasn't mentioned it to me." Roman said, still a bit confused.

Nikki shrugged as she turned her attention away from Seth who couldn't keep his eyes off of her. "That's how Brie is. She'll look in the mirror and the first thing she sees are her flaws. It sucks but, in the business we're in, we have to have a certain look. And I guess she just always has that mindset that she needs to fix something about herself."

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