Our Wedding

284 11 6

7:00 am in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

The Wedding Day

In Brie's & Nikki's condo

The twins are in their beds with Seth & Roman. And today's their big day. So any time, they will be ready what to do before the hours of the wedding starts.

The twins started their morning hygiene as they freshen up to go to the showers. They got themselves ready.

Minutes later, Brie's & Nikki's family arrived to the condo after a flight from California. Their mom Kathy, their step father Jonathan, their brother JJ with his wife Lola & two daughters Vivienne & Alice and their grandma Alice.

The family greeted them with happiness as the girls getting ready.

Nikki and Brie just so in love meeting their nieces, V and Alice. They loved them. It feels like they want to have a baby. They are so happy.

The boys where Seth and Roman at, they're at the downstairs

Roman's family (his dad Sika, his mom Patricia, his brother Matt, and his two as sisters Summer and Vanessa)and also Seth's family (his brother Carl, his mother, & his stepfather  and his brother's girlfriend  had arrived to the house. Seth and Roman
are the upstairs of the opposite side of the house.

"Joe," Roman's mother called.

"Mom, I'm over up here! " Roman replied back to her.

The two families came up to the stairs  and they greeted them. They dressed up so nicely, they just can't believe Seth and Roman getting married today. They're so happy.


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During with the girls, their makeup were finished so their hair needed to be curls so they have curl rollers in the hair. Vivienne is going to be little flower girl.

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