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Draco grunted as he tried to sit up in bed. He stretched his arms and legs, and then his eyes shot open. He wasn't in the cell. He wasn't tied up. He was in a room.

In Hermione Granger's guestroom.

He shot out of bed, and slipped into his shoes, before walking towards the bathroom. He glanced around to make sure she wasn't around and slipped inside.

Hermione flipped the pancake once again and sighed. She rubbed her eyes and sat down on the stool. Just then she heard the bathroom door open, and she instinctively shot up from the chair and began to fuss around.

Draco entered the dining room and glanced towards his left. The curly haired brunette seemed busy in the kitchen as she scooped up a ball of chocolate from a jar. His mouth watered as he watched her lick some chocolate from her index finger.

She noticed him and cleared her throat. He shook his head and turned around. She walked past him and placed two plates of pancakes on the dinning table. Draco stared at the purple marks under her thin white T, and he had no doubt that they were his own doing.

"Are you done staring at me ?", she snapped.

Draco's eyes shot up to meet hers and he sneered.

" Eat.", she ordered him and touched his plate with her finger.

He just stood there glaring at her and she stood up and walked up to him.
" I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour, Malfoy! ", she jabbed a finger in his chest and was surprised when her finger bounced right back. His chest was firm, tough and muscular. Her face flushed, but she held her chin in the air.

" Listen Granger. You stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours.", he snarled. He looked at her with cold eyes and realised just how small she was. She barely reached his shoulders yet she was standing in front of him with fire dancing behind her eyes.

The small crease between her brows was standing out, and distracting him.

"Fine then. Go to hell and make your own damn breakfast! ", she yelled and slammed her fist on the table. Draco glared at her, his jaw clenching and unclenching. He turned around sharply and went to his room, slamming the door shut.

Hermione was breathing heavily. She placed a hand on her chest and sat on the chair. What was she expecting from Malfoy? An apology ? Huh.

She rubbed her arms and winced slightly. Her arms were still sore. He had done quite a number on her.

Draco entered the room and braced himself on the dresser. He was shaking. The war was coming back. Yes it was. He could feel it. The darkness, the screams, torture. Everything.

Those bruises had sparked something inside him. All the things that he had buried deep inside. No, no he couldn't think about them. No no. He had to do something.

He opened the door and walked back in the dining room. Granger was sitting on the chair and eating from what she had mentioned was his plate. He cleared his throat, and could've sworn he saw a faint smirk grace her lips, before she looked up at him.

" Yes ?", she raised an eyebrow.

" I-I'm hungry.", he said before taking the seat opposite her and diving right in. Hermione watched him with an amused expression on her face and very soon his plate was empty. Hermione hid a smile as she slid her plate towards him.

" Want more ?", her voice held mischief.

He looked up and then cleared his throat.

" No...um no.", he said before he stood up. He was halfway through, when she called him.

" Malfoy ?"

He turned around.

" You're welcome.", she said simply.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

" Yes Gin everything is fine! Merlin's sake woman.", Hermione laughed.

"What else was I supposed to think ? I'm so glad you're alive Mione. "

Hermione laughed again.

" Oh Gin. Hormones really do something to you. "

" Oh yeah ? Ask poor Harry.", Ginny laughed.

" I will.", hermione winked.

" Where is Mr. Supposedly Innocent ?", Ginny asked and glanced around the garden.

" Oh he's in his room.", hermione waved a hand dismissively.

" His room ?", Ginny raised a brow and a smirk appeared on her face.

" The guestroom Gin, might as well call it his room for the time being "

"How long ?"

"What ?"

"How long does he have to stay with you ?"

" O my God! I didn't even check that!", she yelled and ran inside the house.

She found her work robes and pulled out the parchment from the pocket.

Her eyes widened and she screamed. Malfoy's door jerked opened and he came out looking like he had just seen a ghost.

" Granger. What is it ?", he panted.

" Urghhh. Bloody Smith. That tosser. GIT!", she yelled.

Draco's breathing calmed down a bit when he realised that she wasn't hurt. It's not like he cared or anything, but the last woman he had heard scream like this was Ast-. No, no, not again.

" What the hell?", Ginny entered the dining room and rushed towards her friend.

" What happened Hermione ?"

Hermione massaged her temples.

" 6 months.", she spoke through gritted teeth.

Malfoy shrugged his shoulders and was about to turn around when Ginny spoke again.

" Did you know, Malfoy ?"

" Know what ?", he sneered.

" That you're going to be staying here for six months ?"

"What ?!"


" Malfoy!", Hermione knocked on his door.

The door opened and he stepped outside.

He raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I leave for work at 9.", she informed him.

" So ?", he snarled.

" So Malfoy, you have 10 minutes to get ready.", she spat.

" Excuse me ? Where am I going ?"

"Heaven.-" she snorted."-You're coming to work with me, Malfoy. "

Draco clenched his jaw and slammed the door shut. Hermione huffed and puffed, before walking away.


" Minister.", Hermione and Draco both turned around.

"Yes Mr. Roberts ?", Hermione raised an eyebrow at the brown haired man.

" Oh please call me Lankort.", he flashed her a grin.

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back around.

Hermione smiled politely at him. " Is there anything you need ?"

" Urm. No. Just...good morning.", he smiled nervously at her, and then walked away.

Hermione shrugged and turned to see Malfoy glaring daggers at the ministry workers. She rolled her eyes so hard that for a second she was afraid that her eyeballs might get stuck.

"If you're done killing people with your eyes then let's go.", she glared at him.

He sneered at her in return, and followed her to her office.

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