C h a p t e r 30

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"You should go home." Hermione whispered in his ear.

He tightened his arms around her. "I'm not going anywhere without you."

Hermione sighed, and pulled away enough to look at him.

"I'll be staying the night. I can't leave her until they find Harry" she pointed towards the room where Ginny was.

Draco exhaled and rubbed her back. "Then I'll stay here too"

Hermione smiled up at him, her eyes lighting up."You've changed, Malfoy" She whispered.

He shook his head, and exhaled harshly through his nose. " No, Granger, you changed me" he whispered just as softly.

Hermione tugged his head down and kissed him. Lips moving in perfect sync, as their mouths fought for dominance. She fisted his shirt in her hands to steady herself, and took his bottom lip between her own. Suckling and licking, she released it with a pop.

"Say it again," he breathed.

"What?" She asked, breathlessly.

"What you said last night."

She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Say it" he panted and grabbed her face with both hands.

" I love you. I love you, Draco" she whispered, suddenly breathless and gasping.

Draco crashed his mouth onto hers, muffling the sound she was about to make. He swiped his tongue over her lips, seeking- begging for entrance. She opened up to him, and he didn't waste a breath before tangling his tongue with hers. A soft whimper-like sound escaped her, and he grabbed the back of her head, cradling it in his hand.

His tongue danced in her mouth, seeking and exploring every corner of it. She wrapped her arms around him, wounding her hands in the blond heaven which was his hair. She ran her fingers through it as he pulled her against him.

When the need for oxygen became too much, he pulled away, gasping, and latched onto her jaw, cheeks, nose, and forehead. Hermione grabbed his face and pulled him away. Running her thumbs over his cheekbones, she looked into his eyes.

He gaze her a dazzling smile that had her swooning on her feet. His eyes were bright and lit with emotion, his cheeks flushed, and lips swollen. Not being able to help herself, she gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

She pulled away, grinning.

"Ahem ahem" they pulled apart to find Pansy smirking at them, with a very green looking Ron beside her.

Hermione cleared her throat, embarrassed to have been caught, and smoothed her hands over her shirt.

"Need something, Parkinson? "Draco asked.

Pansy's smirk widened.

"Parkinson, am I? "

Draco sneered at her and turned his head away.

"Don't worry, Hermione. He just hates to be interrupted when in the middle of something imporant" she drawled.

Hermione's cheeks flamed up, and she decided to change the subject before Draco could reply.

"Any clue as to where he went?"

This time it was Ron who answered.

" Yes, actually, and that's the reason why we were looking for you. He's at your place, and he wants to talk to you." He looked at Draco and then added "alone".

"Why does he need to speak with her? He should be here with his wife and son" Draco snarled, his eyes narrowing.

" We know that, Malfoy. But that's what Harry said, he won't show up here before she goes to see him"

A Story Of Love | Dramione ✔Where stories live. Discover now