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"Morning" she greeted him softly upon entering the kitchen.

He didn't reply, but placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of her, before walking out.

She dropped on the chair with a thud , and placed her head in her hands. So, now he was going to give her a cold shoulder.


He returned after a few minutes, holding up her cell phone.

"This thing kept ringing" he said as he placed the phone on the table.

Hermione patted her mouth with a napkin, and grabbed the phone.

97 messages from Gin.
32 missed calls from Gin.

Hermione's eyes widened and she screamed. " Ginny's gone into labour!"

Draco's eyes widened, and she could've sworn she saw a hint of a smile before it was gone.

" WHAT, MALFOY? GET READY!" She yelled at him as she dashed towards her bedroom, all awkwardness and everything forgotten as she thought about Potter Junior.


" Let's go" without even waiting for a reply, she grabbed his hand, and tugged him close. She saw something flash across his eyes, as she shut her own, concentrating hard, and disapparating them to St. Mungos.

" I'm here to see Ginny Potter. Maternity ward" Hermione panted at the reception.

" Room no. 342"

" Ms. Granger! How are you?"

"Ms. Granger when are you joining back?"

"What is Draco Malfoy doing here?"

" Why aren't you continuing as the Minister?"

"Get this death eater scum out of here"

The paparazzi went mad, flashes going on and off. She grabbed Draco's hand and rushed towards the staircase. " Hurry up" she tugged him up behind her.

"I'm very much capable of climbing the stairs myself- perhaps, faster if you'd stop dragging me" he drawled.

Hermione dropped his hand, and threw a glare over her head at the amusement in his eyes. Her heart jumped, and stomach flipflopped. At least he wasn't too too mad.

" Excuse me Ms, where are you going?" An Auror stepped up, and then recognition dawned on his face.

" Of course, Ms. Granger.  This door" he pointed towards a door to her right.

" Thank you" She said before-

"I'm with her" she heard Draco snarl.

" I'm sorry. But we're not allowed to let ex deat-"

"He's with me. And he has to stay with me" she gave the Auror her best stern look, and he stepped away from Draco's path.

Draco sneered at him, making Hermione roll her eyes, and walked towards her.

They both entered and Hermione almost burst into tears at the site. All the Weasleys were in the room- except Ronald Weasley. Ginny was sitting on the bed, with Harry on the chair beside her- and in his arms was a tiny bundle wrapped in blue.


"Oh Gin!" Hermione cried and ran towards the redhead, hugging her tightly.

" I'm so sorry!!! I didn't realise....my phone....It wasn't....oh god. I feel so stupid! I missed this!"

"It's okay-But, only if you tell me why you're absolutely glowing at the moment" Ginny whispered in her ear.
Hermione felt the heat rise up her cheeks, and she glared at Ginny, playfully.

"Molly" Hermione hugged the woman as she wiped her eyes.

" I'm so glad you could make it, Hermione dear" Molly kissed her cheeks.

" I wanted to come early" she whined.

"What made Hermione Granger late?" George drawled.

Hermione fought to keep the blush away, and raised her chin. " Let me see baby James, Harry" she nudged him in the shoulder.

Harry looked up, and she could see his bright green eyes shinning with unshed tears. Hermione smiled softly at him, and kissed his cheeks.

Hermione carefully lifted the baby in her arms, and felt her heart melt a little. He had startling green eyes, black hair- all Harry's, but his nose and mouth were all Ginny. She whispered softly to the baby, and he gurgled in response.

"So good to see you, Draco dear" Hermione heard Molly. She laughed inwardly as she imagined the shock on Draco's face. He must as be as stiff as a b-

"You'll break your back, Malfoy. Don't worry, weasels don't eat ferrets" George spoke up, earning a glare from Molly.

Draco cleared his throat and walked towards Ginny.

" Pottere- Potter" he corrected himself in time.

Ginny smirked at him, her eyes had bags underneath them, but they were still alive and bright- still Ginny.

"Ahh my favourite ferret has come to see me" she drawled.

Draco smirked at her. " Keep in touch with ferrets, do you?"

"Nope. You're the only one, hence my favourite" she smirked back.

Draco shook his head. "Congratulations" he said sincerely, making Ginny smile widely.

"You too, Potter"  Draco looked at Harry.

Harry nodded stiffly, his eyes burning on the inside, and shinning on the outside.

Ginny caught Draco's eye, and looked towards where Hermione was standing. Draco raised his brows at her obvious attempt, and walked towards the brunette witch.

He stopped right behind her, his breath blowing the hair the nape of her neck, and peered over her shoulder to look at the baby. He felt her stiffen in front him, and he raised his eyes to meet hers.

She swallowed before looking down at the baby, and nudging his chin with her index finger, gently.

" He's cute" Draco whispered.

Hermione shivered involuntarily.
" Of course. All babies are cute"

" Yeah. But didn't expect a mixture of Potter and Weasley to be cute"

Hermione threw a glare at him, and he smirked in response.

"Then what mixture would you expect to be cute, Oh Mr. Malfoy? "

Draco's smirk vanished from his face, and his eyes settled on hers, his gaze intense and sharp, and doing things to her that she couldn't tell were happening, until she felt her heart slam painfully inside her chest.

His gaze drifted down to her lips and she swallowed. His lips inched closer to hers, and her eyelids felt heavy. 

" I can't do this!" Harry yelled and stood up, pulling at his hair.

Draco and Hermione sprung apart, staring at the raven haired man.

" I-i can't!" He spoke again, but this time it was broken. A whisper.

" Harry?" Ginny asked cautiously.

Molly grabbed Arthur's arm.

" I'm so sorry!" He said before grabbing his wand off the table, and disapparating.

Draco slipped his arm around Hermione back when she swayed on her feet.

The door burst open, and Ron and Pansy came running in.

"Are we late?"

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