C h a p t e r 11

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The rambunctious blaring of the small alarm clock jarred Hermione out of her peaceful sleep. She yawned- her eyes still closed. She tried to stretch but felt a pull on her hand. Her eyes shot open and she held her breath. Her face was mere inches away from Draco Malfoy's. She swallowed the yelp that was threatening to escape her. The events of the previous night came flooding back and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Merlin she had asked him to stay!

And he had apologised! 

What the hell ?

She lifted her head off his chest and looked down at their interwined hands. The first word that popped into her head was perfect. She shook her head vigorously, smothering her hair all over the blonde's face. Draco mumbled something in his sleep and then his eyelids fluttered open. Hermione turned in time to see as they revealed the most beautiful grey eyes she had ever seen. TH'FUCK ?

"Morning already ?", he asked. His voice heavy with sleep. So husky.

Hermione gulped.

" Yes."

He opened his eyes and found himself drowning in the depths of her eyes. His gaze drifted down to her slightly parted lips and then back to her eyes.



He looked away and then unclasped their hands, carefully removing one finger at a time. Hermione felt her breath quicken at his touch. He was cold. He pulled away completely and then stood up. " I'm going to take a quick shower.", he said.

Not trusting herself enough to speak, she could only nod.

Draco closed the bathroom door and leaned against it. He was never going to admit it in front of her, but it felt nice. Nice to sleep and wake up in someone's arms. It was the first night in many that he had not had a single nightmare.

But thinking of her as beautiful?  What the hell had just happened ?

He took a cold shower, trying to get the image of her lips out of his head, but failing miserably. He wrapped the towel around his waist and exited the bathroom.

Hermione saw him step out and she quickly retreated back to her room. Once completely sure that he was gone, she stepped out and into the bathroom. She needed a nice hot bath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

" Granger ? Give my mother a message from me, will you ?", Draco said as they both walked towards the fireplace.

She looked at him and nodded for him to continue.

" Just tell her to stop trying to see me. I'll see her when I'm sure that I can."

Hermione memorised his words.

" Alright."

They reached the Potter household and the first thing that Draco saw, before being pushed away, was a flash of red hair as Mrs. Potter threw her arms around her best friend.

"Mione! You're alive!"

Hermione chuckled. Ginny turned to Draco and nodded at him.

" Malfoy. "

"Weaslette.", he smirked because he knew what's coming next.

" Potter, actually." Oh yeah

"Potterete", he smirked again.

Ginny rolled her eyes at him. " since you're missing Potter so much, let's take you to him."

Draco scoffed "as if. "

" Go now, Malfoy!", Hermione scolded.

" Bossy little know it all.", he mumbled as he turned around.

" I heard that, bouncy little ferret."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

" Hello, Mrs. Malfoy. ", Hermione greeted the beautiful blonde woman.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Granger. Please have a seat."

Hermione sat down and awkwardly stared at the woman in front of her. Merlin she was beautiful!  That's where he gets- TH'FUCK. STOP.

" How are you ?"

Hermione cleared her throat.  "I'm good. How are you ?"

"Fine, thank you."

So well mannered.

" How is Draco ?", she asked with hopeful eyes.

" Oh he's an arse.", Hermione waved her hand and then froze. Looking up, she caught Narcissa staring at her.

" Er...sorry. He's fine. Yes, fine.", she tried to smile but ended up grimacing.

Narcissa's face immediately broke into a smile.

"I'm glad to hear that he's an arse."

Hermione choked on her coffee and used her napkin to wipe her mouth. " Excuse me ?"

Narcissa chuckled lightly.

" You heard me right. May be there's some of my Draco left in there."

"So what you mean is that your Draco is an arse ?"

"That's definitely what I'm saying.", Narcissa smirked.

Hermione chuckled with her. 

Narcissa smiled at her. " It feels weird to laugh again."

"You should try it more often.", Hermione reached across the table and patted her hand. Narcissa smiled back at her.

"Oh I almost forgot. Your son said,  'Just tell her to stop trying to see me. I'll see her when I'm sure that I can.'."

Narcissa sighed. " Tell him it's fine. And also that I love him. Very much."

Hermione nodded.

Just then a she saw Ginny's patronus. She shot up from her chair and had disapparated even before the horse could reach her. She appeared in the Potter's household and held her wand out. She could hear some screaming and she quietly made her way towards the source. Stopping right outside the lounge, she peeked in and saw Malfoy breaking, tearing and ripping anything that he could lay his hands on. Ginny was standing in one corner looking extremely frightened, while Harry was trying to catch Malfoy. 

Hermione's breathing shallowed when the blonde's eyes connected with hers. But he didn't stop. He picked up a lamp from the coffee table and smashed it on the floor. Hermione entered and pushed Harry aside. She grabbed Malfoy by his shoulders and forced him to look at her. His cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were pooling. He sniffed and a hiccup escaped his lips.

She knew Draco Malfoy's ego was not to be played with so she grabbed hold of his arm and turned to Harry.

" I'm taking him home."

Ginny stepped forward.
" No Mione. He's mad! He's fucking mad. He was so calm, friendly even and then..... and then.", she broke down.

Hermione turned to Harry. " Harry, take care of her. And trust me with Malfoy ", she said before apparating away. They landed in her lounge, right in front of the TV. Hermione saw as Draco fought hard to keep the tears at bay, but one after the other escaped.

Her own eyes felt heavy and she squeezed his hand. His eyes shot up to meet hers and that was when he couldn't hold it in any longer. He collapsed on the floor and heart wrenching sobs escaped him. Hermione kneeled beside him and pulled his head towards her and hugged him as tightly as she could. He cried into her neck, wetting her blouse. But she couldn't care less. She rocked him back and forth and tried not to shiver when he breathed against her neck. She placed one of her hands on his back and the other in his hair, and began to run her fingers through it.

" It's fine. It's fine.", she kept whispering into his ear. His shoulders shook as he cried silently. And that's how they both fell asleep. In each other's arms; on the floor.

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