C h a p t e r 10

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"RON!", Hermione yelled and ran towards the red head who had just entered her office. She nearly knocked them both over but he caught her in time and balanced them. " Merlin's beard Mione!", Ron chuckled and tightened his arms around her.

" I missed you.", she mumbled.

" I missed you too!", he kissed her cheek.

They heard someone snort in the background and turned their heads. Ron's eyes widened.

" Malfoy ?"

"Why yes, weasel. That's right.", Draco smirked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and turned to Ron.

" Forget about him, Ron. Long story.", she sighed.

Ron eyed the blonde and crinkled his nose in disgust.

" Still the same. "

Hermione laughed.

" All the same."

" Stop talking about me as if I'm not here", Malfoy snarled.

Ron glared at him. " Shut up, ferret."

Hermione shook her head and grabbed Ron's hand. " Let's go now, shall we ?"

Ron smiled at her. " Yes, let's go."

They both had began to walk when they heard footsteps. Ron turned back around and came face to face with Draco.

"Why are you following us ?", he narrowed his eyes at him.

Draco smirked in response. "Ask your ex girlfriend. "

Hermione's face flushed. " Ron, he has to come with us. He needs to stay in my sight. ", she sighed.

Ron grunted but nodded. " Fine. But you keep that ugly mouth of yours shut."

"Whatever you say, wea-sel.", Draco smirked.

Hermione groaned. Today was going to be a long day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Everything was going extremely smooth until someone entered the restaurant.

Pansy Parkinson.

Ron stood up from his chair and greeted her with a kiss. Draco's mouth dropped open as he stared at them. Hermione smiled when Pansy turned to her.

" Granger! Or should I say Minister.", Pansy smiled and hugged her.

" Please call me Hermione. " She smiled.

Pansy's eyes widened as they landed on the third person.

"What is he doing over here ?"

" Good to see you too, Pansy. ", Draco stood up from his chair. Pansy threw her arms around his neck and began to cry.

Now it was Ron and Hermione's turn to be surprised.

" You...you're okay.", Pansy pulled away and cupped his face.

" Of course I am. ", Draco scoffed.

" When did you get out of...of....and why didn't you tell me ?!"

Draco eyed Hermione and she smirked at him, daring him to tell Pansy.

" You see, Potter vouched for me and viola. I was out."

"That's it ?", Pansy blinked and pulled away.

" That's it.", Draco smirked.

" And now he has to live with me as a punishment. ", Hermione intervened.

Pansy's eyes widened. " You both live together? !", she screeched.

" Bloody hell Pans! My ears.", Ron placed his hands on his ears.

Pansy ignored and continued to stare at the two people in front of her who were glaring at each other.

" Wait, who's punishment?  Yours, Granger?" She tried to lighten up the mood.

" It would seem that way.", Hermione replied, her eyes never leaving the blonde.

Draco sighed and gave up. He sat back down and Pansy followed suit.

"Let's order something. Let me get the menus.", Ron walked towards the counter.

" So tell me more about this punishment. " Pansy propped her face on her elbows and stared at them both.

"The head of Wizengamot,  Adam Smith,  saw it best that he stays with me for six months before we leave him completely free.", Hermione literally had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from letting out a chain of curse words at the name of Adam Smith.

Draco noticed and smirked at her. Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

Pansy watched their exchange with interest.

Ron came back and scooted his chair closer to hers so he could slump his arm around her shoulders. Pansy smiled at him before leaning her head against him.

" Looks like we're on a double date.", Pansy said with gleaming eyes that held mischief.

Hermione and Draco snorted and Ron grimaced.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Draco lay on his bed that night and he couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned but sleep never came. His guilt was eating him from the inside. He was raised better than this. How could he have hit her ? Merlin, now that he thought, he realised that he didn't even hate her. At least not anymore. And then she had backed away from teasing him. Yes, she would meet his mother, but she arranged him to stay with the Potters. Draco was no fool. He knew that she could get a warning for not keeping him with her but she had still taken the risk.

Why, Granger? Why you gotta be so damn difficult!

Draco tossed the covers aside and climbed out of bed. It was time he did something for his heart. He went straight for her door and knocked.


He knocked again.


He sighed. He had to do it right now because he knew he'd be a completely different person tomorrow.

And so he entered.

He found her lying on her back and clutching the comforter so hard that he could see her knuckles turning white. He approached her carefully and thats when he heard her whimper.

"No. No.", she croaked.

Draco realised she must've pt up a silencing charm,  because he was a very light sleeper and he wouldn'tve missed this. He reached for her and then froze at what she said next.

"We didn't take anything....Please. "

Sweat broke out on his own forehead and it wasn't long before he was panting. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Her eyes immediately shot open and found his. " I didn't take anything.", she whispered and broke down into sobs. Draco climbed into bed with her and was a little surprised when she hugged his side.

"I didn't. ", she whispered again.
Draco looked down at her, and at the same moment, she looked up. Brown eyes met silver. Her eyes widened as she registered what was happening and she pulled away to look at him properly. Draco tried to calm his own erratic heart but it wasn't working. She was studying him closely. He gulped.

" Did you need something ?", she sniffed.

" Yeah. Just. ", he trailed off, not knowing what to do.

" Just what ?", she asked softly.

" I'm sorry.....For hitting you.", he sighed.

Hermione smiled sleepily at him and then said what he least expected to hear.

" Stay.", she whispered before lying back down and scooting over.

Never once did their hands unclasp.

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