C h a p t e r 7

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"You wanted to see me, Minister? ", drawled a lazy voice.

Hermione's head snapped up from her paperwork and she spoke through gritted teeth, "Ahh Mr. Smith. Please do come in.", she forced a smile.

Smith smirked and sauntered in. His eyes fell on the bored blonde and he nodded his head at him.

" I hope you're quite alright Mr. Malfoy. ", he sneered.

" Better than you'd think. ", Malfoy snarled.

Smith turned to Hermione and raised his eyebrows.

" Please have a seat. ", she tried her best to be polite.

Adam Smith sat down on the seat opposite her. " Yes.", he asked and fiddled his thumbs together.

Hermione pulled out the rolled parchment from her purse and laid it out in front of him. He looked at her questioningly.

" What ? Want me to read it out loud to you ?", she almost spat at his face.

"No Minister. But why are you showing this to me when it is signed by me?, he drawled.

Draco watched in amusement as Granger's eyes narrowed and she spoke in a low voice. " You. Never. Mentioned. 6 months!"

" Oh because I didn't find it necessary. ", he smirked.

Hermione clenched her fists and took a deep breath to keep herself from beating him to pulp. " You didn't find it necessary? ", she bit her tongue from cursing him.

" No", he stated without a care in the world. This put her off and she exploded. " You filthy cow! How could you? Get out of my sight before I hex your balls off and make you eat dead rats for the rest of your life!", she yelled and slammed her palms on the desk, but Smith seemed unfazed by her reaction. In fact he looked quite pleased.

" Mind your language Ms. Granger. You of all people should know how to treat their elders.", he smiled mischievously at her and left without another word.

Hermione smacked her own forehead and then massaged her temples. 

"Why are you so calm about this, Malfoy ?", she snapped when she caught him smirking.

" Because me yelling my lungs out won't change anything.", he stated calmly and leaned back on the couch.

Hermione glared at him and then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.", she relaxed back in her chair.

Julia Mitchell, her secretary, entered.

" Morning Ms. Granger. ", she smiled.

" Morning Julia.", Hermione smiled back.

Julia's eyes flickered over to the couch where the blonde was sitting. She gulped and looked back at the Minister.

" Mrs. Malfoy wants to see you.", she told her. Draco's head snapped up at the mention of his mother and he glared at Granger. Hermione, sensing his glare, turned to look at him. He deepened his glare and swallowed.

" Is she here, Julia ?", she asked.

" No, she sent a letter."

" When did she say she wanted to meet ?"

"As soon as possible."

"Alright. Thank you, Julia.", Hermione smiled at her and she turned around and left, clicking the door shut. Hermione turned her head towards the blonde wizard who was still glaring at her.

" Are you done glaring daggers at me ?", she asked.

He sneered at her in return and got up from the couch. He walked towards her and stopped right in front of her and leaned down. She raised an eyebrow at him and he spoke through gritted teeth. " I .will. not. see. her."

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