C h a p t e r 13

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Draco paced in the lounge as he eyed the girl on the sofa. Granger had been out for 2 hours and he had no clue what to do. He couldn't really take her to St.Mungos now, could he ? Nor could he contact any of her friends because in the end, they would all blame him. It was his fault wasn't it ? He had overreacted just because he'd dreamt about her instead of Astoria. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

He really was an idiot. Just then, an idea popped into his head and he headed towards her bedroom. He opened the door and was met with her intoxicating smell.


He walked into the room and saw that a whole wall was made into a bookshelf. Of course. It was full. Of course. The bed made was made perfectly, with not even a single crease. There was a full length mirror to his right and he was horrified to see the small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

He noticed what he was looking for lying on her nightstand. Her wand. He picked it up and felt it's magic surge through him. It had been a while since he had last used a wand. He grabbed it tightly in his hand and walked towards the lounge.

He kneeled beside her and took her in. So innocent, so pure. He shook his head but the thoughts remained. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Opening them again, he carefully pushed her hair out of her face and grabbed her hand. He raised it to his eye level and turned it around so that her palm was facing him. Slowly, and very carefully, he leaned in and placed his lips in the centre of her palm. He kissed it gently, his eyes never leaving her face, and then placed it on her stomach. He didn't know what deity made him do it, but he had done it.

He swallowed and prepared himself for what was to come before he whispered, "Renervate. "

She jolted awake and sat upright, her eyes wide. Noticing her wand in his hand, she began to panic. She covered her ears and began to shake her head. Draco reached for her but she flinched and cowered away. "No. No. Please.", she cried.

Draco's brows furrowed and he swallowed. " Granger."

" No!!", she yelled. Tears leaking from her closed eyelids.

" Granger.", he tried again.

" I swear we didn't....We didn't take anything....", she sobbed.

Draco felt like he'd been stabbed in the chest. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he grabbed her hand. She let out an ear splitting scream and he grabbed her by the shoulders.

" Granger! Open your eyes."

But she didn't stop. She tried to wrestle out of his grasp and began to cry harder than he had ever heard anyone cry. " Please!", she begged.

Draco's hands left her shoulders and grabbed her face. He wiped her cheeks as she shook violently. "Granger! Open your eyes damnit!"

Her screaming ceased and she took deep breaths, gulping every now and then. " I've got you. It's alright.", he whispered. He didn't know where he was going with this, but he knew he had to make her feel okay somehow. She opened her eyes and brown met grey.

" Draco ?", she croaked out.

He couldn't help but let his lips twitch upwards into a crooked smile. She searched his face and then visibly relaxed. He wiped her cheeks one last time before his hands left her face.

She seemed deep in thought and then she looked at him. " Why ?", she questioned.

" Why, what ?", he asked.

" Why did you save me ?", she whispered.

Draco frowned. " What do you mean, Granger ?"

"I mean you could've escaped and let me bleed to death", she said while eyeing her wand.

"What makes you think I would've let you died ?", he said quietly, his eyes flickering over to meet hers.

Hermione swallowed.

" Anyways. I'm going to make us some dinner. ", he announced, got up and walked out, leaving Hermione to stare after him.

Us. He had said us.

Hermione walked out of the lounge, into the dining hall and saw Draco making spaghetti. Looks like he had learnt his lesson last time. He placed it into two plates and then poured sauce all over it.

Her mouth watered and he turned to look at her, smirking.

She frowned then. She couldn't understand him. What was he up to ?

Draco, noticing that look on her face, sighed.

" Let's just eat Granger, and then we can talk.", he said.

She nodded and sat down beside him on her usual spot and twirled the fork once before popping the spaghetti in her mouth. A "mmmm" escaped her lips and her eyes flickered over to meet his. He was smirking. Damn you Malfoy.

" What ?", he asked innocently when she continued to look at him.

" You cook nicely.", she complimented.

" I do everything nicely.", he gave her a cocky grin.

" That's right.", she smiled slyly.

Draco raised his brows. " What are you thinking about, Granger ?", he narrowed his eyes at her.

" I'm thinking that may be you should do the cooking from now on. ", it was her turn to smirk as his face contorted into disbelief. " On no, I don't think so. This was just because you weren't feeling well.", he blurted out.

Hermione's face turned expressionless.

" Why do you care, Malfoy? ", she asked softly.

He took a deep breath. " Honestly? Seeing you like that; I just knew i had to do something. But most probably its the fact that I couldn't afford the death of the new Minister when I was the only person around her.", he said the last part to lighten the mood, but the air was thick- filled with tension.

Hermione bit her lip. " So that means we're....?", she trailed off, not knowing what to call themselves.

"We're what ?", he asked with a tiny smirk.

Hermione's cheeks flushed. " I mean...friends ?"

Draco bit the insides of his cheeks and leaned back in his chair and studied her. Her cheeks turned even more bright and he couldn't help but chuckle lightly. " I won't go as far as calling someone like me a friend, but we can be acquaintances.", he shrugged.

Hermione's face scrunched up a little. " What do you mean someone like you ?"

He gave her a humourless chuckle and shook his head.

" Trust me, you're better off without knowing. "

That night Draco Malfoy lay awake in his bed as he thought about what he had gotten himself into.

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