C h a p t e r 20

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"I'll help you apparate home", Harry offered. Hermione nodded weakly and he lifted her up. " Hold on to my sleeve, Malfoy", he instructed.

The familiar tug of apparation engulfed them and then they were standing in Hermione's lounge.

Harry placed her on the couch and kneeled beside it. " Is there anything you need?", his green eyes shinning with unshed tears.

" No. G-go to G-gin " she told him, coughing out the words.

" I know I don't have to say this, since you proved it tonight, but take care of her". Harry told Draco and patted him on the back before disapparating.

Draco removed his dirty shirt and threw it on the floor. Silence ensued until he decided to break it.

"I'll get the burn healing paste", he said without meeting her eyes, and walked towards the cabinet in the kitchen. He hesitated, but went to his room and got a shirt with him, and then brought a clean cloth and some water in a bowl.

He returned to the lounge and she was staring at him.

He approached her, his eyes never leaving hers, and kneeled down on the floor beside the couch.

"You'll have to....to", he trailed off. How was he supposed to ask her to undress.

But she was the brightest witch of her age.

She removed the burnt clothes from her body and then lifted her arm to unclasp her bra. She winced due to the movement, and Draco grabbed her hand and placed it on the sofa, gently.

" I'll do it", he said nervously.

She licked her dry lips and nodded.

Draco cast his eyes down, and reached up behind her. Her face nuzzled against the crook of his neck when he lifted up her upper body. His heartbeat became fast as his hands slid down her bare back, searching for the strap. He felt her inhale sharply when he finally found what he was looking for, and unclasped her bra.

He pulled away, and her eyes were boring into his. He gulped, his throat bobbing up and down, before he pulled away completely and placed her head back on the cushion.

She lifted her arms and he slid the garment over her shoulders, and off.

Beautiful. Even burnt and covered in soot, she was beautiful.

He shook his head and rolled the lid off the tube. Squeezing some paste into his hand, he rubbed it between his hands before smothering it over her stomach. She winced and unknowingly, he winced too. He tried to apply minimal pressure as he worked his way up her collar bones, skillfully avoiding her breasts. For now.

He dipped the cloth into the bowl of water and lifted it up. He squeezed the excess water out of it and gently placed it on her right breast. Which was in front of his face. Literally.

He then proceeded to do the same to the other breast, lightly brushing the cloth to her skin. He was relieved to see just a small burn beneath her left breast, rest all of the blackness was the soot.

He cleaned her neck, and then hesitated before opening her legs and cleaning them one by one. Hermione inhaled sharply at the sensations and tried hard to focus on the pain.

Draco lifted her leg up and cleaned the inside of her thighs. He placed her legs down and then began to rub the burn healing paste on them. Hermione bit her lip when he came across a severe burn, but that didn't stop the whimper that escaped her.

Draco looked up, uneasiness evident in his eyes. " sorry", he mumbled before using his hand, instead of the cloth, to apply the paste on the burn.

And Hermione wished he'd just continue with the cloth.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After about an hour or so, Hermione was covered in the burn healing paste and Draco was still kneeling beside her, watching her.

The silence was unnerving, almost painful.

" Can...can you.....cough.....cover me?" She asked softly.

Draco grabbed the shirt he had brought from his room and opened all of its buttons.

" Your back doesn't have many burns ", he reasoned before lifting her arms and sliding them into the shirt, leaving the front open.

She looked down at her legs and then up at him, trying to convey her message.

"That one burn on your right leg is quite severe and big. I would suggest if you didn't wear any....trousers" he said, his eyes downcast.

" I'll take you to your room ", he offered quietly.

He slid an arm behind her neck and the other under knees, and picked her up. She involuntarily leaned into him and relaxed against his chest.

Ironically, his warmth was cooling her.

Draco kicked her bedroom door open and entered. He carefully lowered her on to the bed and was about to turn when she called him.

" Mhmmm? ", he asked.

" It's chilly ", she told him with a shiver.

He mentally cursed himself and lit her fireplace. " I can cast a warming charm, if you'd like?"

Hermione nodded and he grabbed her wand and cast the charm, the air immediately turning warm around them.

" Anything else?", he asked.

She shook her head, her eyes trained on him.

Draco's hand had locked onto the doorknob when she called again. It was so soft and light that Draco thought he had imagined it.

" Yes ?" he asked, hoping she would say what he wanted her to say.

And she did.

" Stay "

He nodded, but left the room.

A lump formed in Hermione's throat, but it soon disappeared when he returned wearing a fresh pair of pyjamas, and climbed into bed with her.

"Draco...I " she began, but he placed his finger on her lips to silence her.

" Tomorrow, Granger. All questions and all answers. But today, sleep. You need it " he told her and placed his palm on her eyes to prevent her from opening them.

A small smile formed on her lips and a tear or two rolled down her cheeks, and soon her breathing evened out.

Once Draco was sure that she was asleep, he carefully lifted her right hand and brought it up to his lips. His lips brushed against her knuckles and then he interlaced their fingers togther, relishing in the way they fit together like pieces of jigsaw.

He placed their clasped hands on top of his heart and succumbed to slumber.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A distinct pop was heard, and Ginny Potter ran towards drawing room.

" Harry! " she threw her arms around him, squishing her belly in the process.

"Did Draco find Mione? Is she okay ? "

Harry placed his hands on her tear stained cheeks and wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs.

"He found her. She's alive and fine. " He kissed her soundly on the lips.

" Oh thank God!", Ginny broke down into sobs and hugged Harry tighter.

" Down stress yourself out, Gin" Harry said softly.

Ginny sniffed and ran a hand through his hair.

"How is she? Did you speak to her?"

"Yes, I did. We'll go see her in the morning. Mhmmm? "

Ginny nodded and let him pull her closer to him.

" I love you" he whispered, his shoulders shaking silently.


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