C h a p t e r 12

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Hermione opened her eyes and grunted as a pain shot through her spine. Where the hell was she ? Oh right. She looked down to see Malfoy's face still in the side of her neck, his warm breath against her cold skin. One of her hands was still tangled in his blonde locks and the other on his back. His both hands were clutching at her sides. She gulped when she realised how intimate this was. She checked the clock and it was 6 pm. Which meant they had been here for 2 hours.

She ran a hand through his hair one last time, relishing in the smoothness of it, before she whispered his name.



She gently shook his shoulders and gasped when he turned his head and his lips touched the side of her neck. She called his name again and this time he nuzzled his face deeper into her neck. She bit her tongue from letting any sounds escaping her. She grabbed one of his hands and gave it a squeeze. " Malfoy, wake up.", she whispered because she was afraid that any loud sound would destroy this delicate moment.

He pulled his head back but his hands never left her sides. He blinked a few times to register what was happening and then he pulled away completely. Hermione felt the coldness wash over her and she shivered.

They both kept staring at each other; neither wanting to move. Trying not to make it too awkward,  Hermione cleared her throat. " I'm going to make us some dinner.", she got up from the floor and winced.

Us. She had said us.

Totally weird.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Draco locked himself up in his room and Hermione saw it best not to disturb him. She entered the lounge and saw a red light blinking; someone was trying to get through her fireplace. She lifted the lock and stepped back as Harry, Ginny, and Narcissa Malfoy stepped out of the fireplace.

"Hermione!", Harry rushed towards her and hugged her tight.

" Are you alright ?", he pulled away and checked her physical appearance

"I'm fine, Harry. ", she smiled at him.

" Is....is Draco alright ?", Narcissa asked.

" Er yes he's fine now."

" What happened to him before ?"

" Let me tell you that.", Ginny stepped in.

Narcissa raised her eyebrows.

" So we were just talking normally. A perfectly healthy conversation, and then suddenly your son decides to yell his lungs out, scare the shit out of me, rip our cushions apart-"

"What were you talking about ?" Narcissa cut her.

"What ?"

Narcissa repeated, "What were you talking about ?"

"I just told him that I was 12 weeks pregnant."

Hermione's eyes widened as the realisation hit her.

His nightmare. It had been about Astoria. That memory. Astoria. Her miscarriage.

She looked at Harry and saw that even he had an understanding look on his face. He held Ginny in his arms and hugged her. Narcissa's eyes watered and she turned around and stepped into the fireplace, disappearing into the flames.

" Harry, tell her when you're home.", she told him.

Harry nodded and hugged her before leaving.

Hermione sighed and rubbed her temples. She heard some noise and she dashed towards the guest room. She opened the door and sure enough  the blonde was having another nightmare. Only this time, it was much worse. He whimpered, hiccupped,  kicked and thrashed about.

" Please make it stop, mother."

"Please.....Please.......she isn't a liar........she didn't. "

" STOP!", he yelled and sat up in his bed. Hermione gasped and turned the lights on. Draco's eyes shot up to meet hers and she gulped. His breathing slowly became normal and he glanced away. A light pink tinge appeared on his cheeks.

" I uh....I just heard some noise.", she said lamely before walking out the door and clicking the door shut. She leaned against it to calm her frantic heart and hastily wiped at her eyes. Why did she feel so bad if he had a nightmare ? Why did her heart ache so much ?

It wasn't at all the fact that he had woken up crying and sweating after dreaming about Astoria. Not at all.

The next morning when Draco stepped into the kitchen, the first thing that he noticed was that Granger was looking extra cheery today. She turned and gave him a small smile which he did not return. She made breakfast and placed two plates on the dinning table.

Hermione watched as Draco clicked his tongue with the roof of his mouth and sat down. They both ate in silence until she decided to break it. " Would you like to go out sometime ?", she asked him.

He raised his eyebrows at her and then shook his head.

Hermione shrugged and began to eat.

"What should I make for dinner today ?", she asked.

Draco clenched his jaw shut and avoided her gaze.

" Don't ask me stupid questions. Or better yet; don't ask me anything at all."

Hermione began to wash the dishes and he placed his plate in the sink, their hands brushing in the process. The both inhaled sharply but neither seemed to notice the other. " Do you want something ? I mean I'm going to ask Mandy to get me some stuff from diagon alley so if you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Granger. ", Draco sneered.

Hermione turned around sharply. " Excuse me ?"

"You heard me. I said sh-"

" I know very well what you said, Malfoy! I was just being nic-"

" There. That's what I don't want. A stupid. mudblood's. sympathy.", he spat.

Hermione's eyes widened momentarily before they narrowed. " Mudblood is it ?", she spat and grabbed the knife. Draco's eyes widened a fraction and then she slit her palm open. She winced as she raised her palm and the blood began to pour down her arm. " Where's the mud, Malfoy ?" She asked with angry tears in her eyes.

" What the fuck are you doing Granger ?" He took a step back as she stepped forward.

"What I am doing, Malfoy ?", she asked incredulously. The tears were now freely rolling down her cheeks. She grabbed his palm and slashed it with the knife. Draco cursed and stumbled back. She stepped up and grabbed his hand. She placed her palm on top of his and raised them. Their bloods mingled and mixed and trickled down their arms.  Draco's eyes were wide awake now as he stared at the woman in front of her and then at their joint hands. " Where's the mud, Malfoy ?", she whispered. His breathing became ragged.

" Where is it ?", she whispered again, her eyes glazed.

He swallowed. " Where is it, Malfoy? !", she yelled and pushed him away with all her might. His back hit the kitchen counter and his blood dripped down on the marble floor. Draco could see her face losing colour and he looked at her palm and winced. She was losing too much blood. Bloody woman had sliced her whole palm open.

"Granger."He grabbed her shoulders when she wobbled on her feet. He flinched when his own wound came in contact with her shirt.

" Granger! Where's the blood replenishing potion ?!", he shook her shoulders.

She raised her good hand and pointed towards a cupboard. He dashed towards it but by the time he returned, she had already collapsed to the floor, her face drained of all colour.

He was sure he stopped breathing.

Okie. Okie. I promise this was the last scene of violence. Please forgive me 😂 but this had to happen. We have to make sure Draco feels guilty, don't we ? 😜 So much more to happen in this fic. Eeekk!!!😂 Happy Reading, lovers! ( that's what tommy calls us- lovers.) 😂❤❤

A Story Of Love | Dramione ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα