Chapter 2

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James sighed as he exhaled the drag from his cigarette, he cocked an eyebrow to a noise in the rustling bushes. He hopped over the porch railing, startling Bianca in the process, "Aahh!"

She fell back on her backside with a thud. She then cut her eyes up to a chuckling James, "What tha Hell are you doing in the bushes?"

Bianca growled as she dusted her bottom off as she stood, "I still can't find my kitten. I think it's dead."

His amusement drained from his face, "Why would you say that?"

Bianca realized her mistake and rolled her shoulders, "No, reason. I know Rose accidentally let him out earlier, he's probably just hiding."

James took another drag and then offered it to Bianca. She shyly looked down and shook her head, "No thank you."

He smirked at her behavior, "You're a goody goody aren't you?"

He smirked at her behavior, "You're a goody goody aren't you?"

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She wrinkled her brow, "No.. I just don't smoke..."

He liked picking on her, it seemed too easy. God she would be fun to corrupt, "Have you even tried it?"

Bianca was thrown back into a painful flash back, as her sister held her down and another friend put a cigarette in her mouth making her take a puff before they let her up.  She ignored the question and turned back to the bush looking for her kitten. James continued to smoke as he studied her figure as she bent over to search. Bianca gasped as she heard her sister laughing with her friend Marie, they watched as the two women started the sports car and eased down the drive way. Rose smiled an evil smile as she spotted a cute fur ball that had chased a lizard onto the drive way, "Bye bye Sixteen.."

She cut her eyes to an amused Marie
as she urged her on, "Do it.. Do it.."

Bianca wrinkled her brow as she ran towards the car, "Rose no! Stop!"

Little Sixteen gave a small meow right before the tire crushed him. Bianca screamed and covered her eyes as she cried. James felt sick to his stomach after witnessing such deliberate cruelty. He glared as the car drove by and Rose blew a kiss towards her heart broken sister.

James looked to her with sympathy, "Im sorry Bianca."

She shrugged with slumped shoulders and in a tearful daze, "Just a dumb cat, right?"

James sighed as he walked over to the crushed animal, "Poor fella didn't stand a chance." He took off his jacket and wrapped the kitten up and headed to the back yard. Bianca quietly followed.

He was surprised as she appeared behind him with a shovel, "Thanks, but I can take it from here."

He stepped back and watched as she dug a fresh grave for her dead pet. He couldn't help but think, "Why would Rose do that? It was a helpless animal. Did she hate her sister that much? If so, why?"

After Bianca was finished with the burial, she slowly made her way back into the house. Avin walked up to her and leaned on his cane, "What's wrong dear?"

Bianca lip snuffled as she spoke, "I'm fine.. I found Sixteen."

He pursed his lips and patted her hand, "Daddy will get you a new one."

Her worried eyes shot to his, "No sir! No more replacements! I don't want to burry another."

Avin and James watched as she made her way up the stairs. James wanted to follow her and comfort her, but she was
off limits. He kept his gaze on her as he spoke to her father, "Rose ran over her kitten on purpose. Is there something wrong with her that your not telling me?"

Avin sighed and shook his head, "Rose hates Bianca. Ever since they were children."

James turned to the ill man, "Is that how many pets have died? Sixteen?" Avin nodded. James flexed his jaw, "How am I to have children with Rose, if I'm afraid she will kill them?"

Avin growled, "She wouldn't harm a human. Especially her own children."

James laughed with sarcasm, "Sure about that?"

Avin kept his cold glare on James, "Already thinking about backing out on our deal?"

"No sir, but you have to see it from point of view."

Avin took a step to him, "If anyone can handle Rose, it's you. Now, are you still in or not?"

James also took a challenging step closer, "I'm in, but I'm not going to allow her to abuse Bianca while she is under the same roof."

Avin smirked, "Glad to hear it.."

After dinner, Bianca escorted James and Cyrus out for the evening. She plastered a happy face as she told them goodbye, "I'm sorry that Rose couldn't make it to dinner, she's kind of a free spirit."

"More like evil spirit." Cyrus mumbled. He received a cold glare from his boss and shut his mouth.

James step forward and gave Bianca his card, "If you or anyone in your family needs anything. Don't hesitate to call me."

She looked down at the card and nodded. James wanted to kiss her badly, but knew it would be a major mistake. He forced his hand up to her to shake it. Bianca blushed and shook it back.

On the way home, Cyrus started to chuckle out of the blue, "Man! You are so fucked!"

James smiled at his cocky friend, "What do you mean?"

"Not being able to plow that sweet innocent girl is killing you.. I think I've spotted three new gray hairs on your head."

James playfully pushed against his shoulder, "Fuck you man.."

Cyrus batted his eyelashes to him, "Well, if that's what it takes for you to forget about her, my ass is all yours." 

James threw his head black and laughed.


Later that night, Bianca eased down the dark staircase to investigate a noise. She held in a gasp as she watched Rose being fucked from behind by some unknown man. She couldn't believe that she would do that after agreeing to marry another. She quietly and quickly made her way back to the safety of her room and decided to never mention it.

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