Chapter 33

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James sat in a daze as he waited for Bianca's outcome. His head quickly snapped up as the doctor approached him, "Mr. Endrizzi?" He slightly nodded, "Bianca's going to pull through."

"And the babies?"

The doctor sighed, "We don't know just yet. She did lose a good amount of blood, we counted at least fifteen stab wounds. Fortunately, the blade was small and the damage was minimal."

James ran his hands down his face and mouth as he sighed, "When can I see her?"

The doctor smiled, "She's in recovery, but you can go back."

James held his breath as he slowly eased up to her bed side. He lightly grasped her hand and squeezed it. His eyes then turned to her bump and he placed his other hand on it. He could here the beeping of the heart monitor for the twins and thought, "I could listen to that all day." He leaned his head on his hand as he watched her sleep. He couldn't tell when he fell asleep from exhaustion.


"Isn't that the sweetest sound in the world?"

James' eyes flew open at the sound of Bianca's voice. He smiled and eased closer to her, "What is?"

She smiled a tired smile back to him, "Their heart beat."

He shook his head as he stroked her hair, "Bianca..? What in the Hell were you thinking?"

She smirked with her eyes closed, "When she was about to bash in Danny's head, something took over. Like, I wasn't myself. It was like, I had no fear at all. Nothing else mattered but his and my babies safety."

James lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it, "I love you."

She spoke as she drifted back to sleep, "Love you too."


As the couple sat in the hospital room, they both looked to the doorway as Avin limped in. Bianca's lip quivered as he took off his hat and a tear eased out of his eye. James turned a questionable look to her reaction. All Bianca could do was point to the doorway and shake her head as she looked down. Avin took another step closer and whimpered, "Please.."

She covered her face and continued to shake her head.

Avin looked down, turned and walked away. James didn't know what to say, he just sat and watched her cry.

Five months later:

James cooed over his oldest daughter Georgia, while Bianca fed a fussy Macey

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James cooed over his oldest daughter Georgia, while Bianca fed a fussy Macey. They were completely healthy and only born a few weeks early.
James was amazed how well Bianca adapted to the sleepless nights and the never ending feeding schedule. He knew one was hard but two, was indescribable, but they were happy.

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