Chapter 19

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James smiled to himself as he walked through the tiny house. He loved being there since it smelled and felt like Bianca.  When he opened the nursery door, he had shock written all over his face. He was drawn into the perfectly decorated room as in a trance. By the decorations, he couldn't tell if it was going to be a boy or girl. He wondered if she didn't want to know until the birth. James then walked into her bedroom. He sat on her tall bed and lifted her night shirt that she had worn the night before and inhaled her scent. His attention snapped to a noise at the kitchen back door. It sounded as though someone was trying to get in, and they succeeded. He frantically looked for a place to hide, and slid under the tall bed.

Martin's eyes searched his surroundings to make sure he was alone. He eased from room to room until he reached Bianca's bedroom. James glared as he hid under the bed. He could see the man's feet but not his face. He was sure that this was the man that had been bothering Bianca at work. James shifted slightly as he watched Martin pull out her clothes drawers and examined her belongings. James kept in a growl as he watched Martin shove a pair of her underwear in his pocket. As Martin turned to the bed, James retreated back so he wouldn't be seen. He felt the bed move as Martin plopped on the thick comforter. James eyes widened as Martin started to speak to himself, "Ah.. Bianca.. I love fucking you.. That's it.." James was sickened as he realized what he was doing. Martin was getting off while laying on the love of his life's bed. A beautiful, sweet, defenseless mother to be, and this sick fuck was jerking off in her bed! Less than ten minutes had past and Martin found his release. James figured he would eventually leave, but he was dead wrong. Martin got up and went back to the kitchen. When he returned, he had a black duffle bag. It contained duck tape, twist ties for hand cuffs and a blindfold. James shook with anger and fear, "What would have happened if I hadn't came today?"

Bianca sighed as she pulled off her heels. She stretched and pattered to her bedroom. She had no clue that two uninvited men were hiding in her house. James' heart pounded as she started to unbutton her blouse as she walked into her bathroom to start the shower. When she returned, his heart skipped a beat when he saw her cute baby bump on her lower abdomen, right above the top of her skirt. His happiness was short lived, while Bianca had her back turned to the bedroom door, Martin eased it shut as he appeared from behind it. Bianca saw the movement in the corner of her eye and quickly turned to him and gasped, "Martin?! What.."

Martin had this crazy blank stare as he stepped to her. She slowly moved out of his way as he sat on the bed, "Hi Bianca. I missed you so much.. I had to come see you."

Bianca held her throat for comfort, "You really didn't have to do that. You should go.."

Martin stood up from the bed. James quietly pulled his knife from its hiding spot and waited. Martin spoke in a calm weird voice, "We aren't going anywhere for a couple of days. We are staying here for a long weekend."

Bianca's eyes widened and charged for the door. As Martin tried to grab her, he screamed out in pain, "Shit!" Bianca looked to him with a fearful gaze as he spoke, "What tha fu..!" Bianca screamed in terror as Martins feet were pulled out from under him, making his body hit the wood floor with a loud thud. He frantically squirmed and cried as something pulled him under the bed. Bianca couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was as though it was a scene in a horror movie. She could hear slashing noises as Martin was pulled under. His cries soon turned into gurgling. Bianca unlocked her feet and ran to the nursery and locked the door. She shook with terror as she huddled in a corner.

James sighed as he eased from under the bed. He had removed his shirt since Martin had bled all over it, so now he was only dressed in his dress slacks that fit him perfectly and a bare muscular chest. He slowly walked to the nursery and tapped on the door, "Bianca.. Are you in there baby..?"

Bianca's face snapped to the voice, "James?!"

He smiled as he leaned his head against the door, "Yes Bianca. Open the door."

She shook her head, "How do I know it's really you?"

"I took you virginity in a snow blizzard when I tried to save you from hypothermia." Bianca slowly eased from her hiding spot as she continued to listen, "Baby.. If I wanted to, I could bust down the door, but I don't want to scare you or break your house."

Her lip trembled as she unlocked the door. Bianca's mouth went dry as he stood shirtless, leaning against the doorway. She thought her legs were going to give away as she thought, "Where is his shirt! Oh God! Why do you have to be shirtless!" She nervously cleared her throat, "What are you doing here? Where.. Where is Martin..?!"

James stood straight and slowly stepped to her. She whimpered a cry as he kneeled down in front of her and rubbed the tip of his nose on her bump, then gave it a long loving kiss. Her breath shook as she slowly look down as his innocent eyes looked up to her. Bianca pressed her eyes as she felt him pull her closer and pressed his cheek to her tummy and sighed. She started to sob as she laid her hand on top of his hair and pulled him closer too.

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What would you had done if you saw Martin disappear?

What was Martin going to do to Bianca?

Will Bianca forgive James?

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