Chapter 28

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Vivian stretched as she sat next to Bianca, "So.. How far along are you?"

Bianca was in a daze as she answered, "Almost four months."

Vivian leaned back and forth as she examined her bump, "Really? Ya got two in there?"

Bianca's lip quivered, "Yes, but now... I .."

Vivian grasped her hand, "Shh.. There are plenty of bitches snitches in here. Be careful with what you say." Vivian noticed Lola glaring at her remark, "What bitch! Ya wanna another ass kickin like last time?" Lola rolled her eyes and turned away.

Bianca nervously cleared her throat, "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you, and why are you my new best friend?"

Vivian kept her eyes locked on the group of women, "James asked me to come in here."

Bianca's eyes widened, "James?! He knows I'm here?"

"Oh yeah honey. That boy is pussy whipped by you. He was crying like a frantic baby when he called me."

Bianca shook her head in disbelief, "How do you know each other?"

Vivian leaned her head back against the wall and smirked to her, "He's a nephew of my old boss Rudy. I use to boost cars for him, while he protected me."

Bianca was intrigued, "You needed protection? From who?"

Vivian sighed and laughed, "Yeah, my dad wasn't the best father."

Bianca looked down, "My father let my sister abuse me."

"Hmm.. Mine tried to do it himself." Bianca's mouth dropped open as she continued, "Hey did you know that the human mouth had 269 pounds of bitting pressure?"

Bianca gulped at her information, "Yeah? Did that come in handy in your past?"

Vivian turned a blank stare straight ahead, "Yep." She cut her eyes back to Bianca when she sighed, "So, your sister abused you?" Bianca just nodded, "How?"

She lightly shrugged her shoulders, "Beat me, killed my pets, slept with my high school sweet heart, I broke up with him and he killed himself. I then tried to."

Vivian looked at the young mother to be with sad eyes, "Why did you let her?"

Bianca widened her eyes, "What...?"

"What are you so afraid of?"

Bianca looked away in a daze, "That I would disappoint my parents. The physical pain that she would cause me."

Vivian sighed, "Disappointment..? Pain..? I don't get it?"

Bianca snapped a cute angry look at her, "What?"

Vivian shrugged, "I could give two fucks if I disappointed anyone besides myself, and pain? I can take it all day long, as long as my loved ones are safe." Bianca looked down as she took in Vivian's words, "Those two you got there, are now your world, fuck the rest of it. You do what ever it takes to keep them safe. Murder, steal, kill.. Within reason of course.."

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

Vivian was now in a daze, "No, but two times in my life I came close. I did bite and beat the shit out of them. When I was going to kill my father, well.. Marcus, he beat me to it.."

"What did he do to you?"

Vivian slightly smirked in her daze, "He tried to shove his dick down my throat, but like I said. 269 pounds of bitting pressure."

Bianca pressed her eyes, "Holly shit.."

Vivian turned a smirk to her, "That's what he said.. Ha..."

Bianca admired Vivian's grace and roughness. She thought she was perfect, "How did you get in here?"

Vivian chuckled, "I deliberately punched Marcus so he would press charges."

Bianca was astonished, "Oh my God.."

Vivian scoffed with a wave of her hand, "Oh, he's fine.."

Bianca shook her head, "He was cool with that?"

"Sure... Well he was mad I got his good side, but sure he was fine with it.."

Bianca nervously offered her hand to shake it. Vivian gave her a warm smile as she spoke, "I can't thank you enough for being in here."

Vivian shrugged, "Sure. Rudy was my family, so is James. Plus, ya know what?" Bianca shook her head with a wrinkled brow. Vivian's demeanor turned cold as she stared past her, "I can't stand a fucking bully."

James' leg eagerly bounced as Bianca was ushered in to her bond hearing. She looked so little with her huge orange jump suit. Bianca's eyes eagerly searched the room until she spotted him. He held back tears as he mouthed, "I'm going to get you out." Bianca shyly nodded and faced the judge.

"I am Wanda Kelly, I am the judge of New York  County. I am here to tell you the alleged charges of first degree sexual assault against a minor older than fourteen but younger than eighteen. This is crime can be punished for the minimum sentence of fifteen years. This is not arraignment, so I cannot hear any please or testimonies at this time. Now are you Bianca Morcose?"

Bianca nodded as she spoke, "Yes your honor."

"Do you understand the allegations against you and the full punishment of this offense?"

Bianca was now crying, "Yes your Honor."

"Does the defense have any other charges against the accused?"

A tall skinny man glare at Bianca, "No, but Child Services are requesting an immediate DNA testing of the accused fetuses for possible evidence."

James stood with wide eyes as he wanted to scream, "No."

Bianca shook her head, "What?"

The judge lowered her gavel, "Silence. Miss Marcose, if your bail is met you must surrender yourself for placenta testing for possible evidence of the sexual assault within forty eight hours.  I set you bail to $60,000. Next case." Bianca jumped as she lowered the gavel. She felt that her unborn children had been given a death sentence.

The bailiff roughly grabbed the dazed mother and ushered her back to her cell. James eagerly tried to reach her before they ushered her away. He never felt such anger and hurt as he thought, "Why Danny?! Why?"

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