Chapter 6

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The couple sat silently as they drove home. Once the car was parked, James looked straight ahead and spoke in a flat tone, "I'm sorry about last night, but it can never happen again."

Bianca looked down with a smirk, "Suits me, I never wanted it to happen in the first place."

James flexed his jaw with an angry smile, "Don't deny that you didn't enjoy it."

She shook her head, "This is me hurting your feelings, but you're so full of shit."

He growled as he ran his hand through his hair as she exited the car. James then reassured himself, "It can never happen again..." He leaned his head back and sighed, "But that was the best I ever had." 

Bianca wasted no time to run up to her room and turned on a steaming hot shower. Her chest heaved as she closed her eyes, "Its not your fault.. You told him to stop.. But did you really try to stop him?" She covered her face as she cried, "Oh God! What have I done? You let him use you. You were nothing but a fling." She couldn't help but replay the night over and over in her mind. She chuckled a cry as she remembered his stern eyes as he said, "Cum on me..".  Bianca's lip quivered as she thought, "Never again!"

Avin sat up straight as he heard a knock on the door, "Come in.." He beamed as his beloved daughter walked in, "There she is." She held back tears as she leaned down and kissed his cheek. He tilted her face and examined her head, "That's some bump you have there."

Bianca nervously rubbed the injury, "Yeah, but Ill be fine."

The color of her face drained as her father spoke, "Ah, James! Come on in."

James looked at her for a moment and then back to her father, "I just wanted to tell you Covis is on board."

Avin patted his hand, "And I want to thank you for taking such good care of Bianca. If I had gone, we would have both been in trouble."

James couldn't help but smirk, "My pleasure sir."

Bianca pressed her eyes and looked away. Avin noticed her distress, "Are you alright?"

She held up here hand and nodded, "Yes sir, I think I'll just go lay down for a little while."

He lovingly patted her hand, "Okay dear."

She turned a blank face to James, "Mr. Endrizzi."

James cut her a cold glare and gave a slight nod with pursed lips. Avin chuckled, "She must of really hit her head hard, I thought everyone was on a first name bases by now."

James gave a nervous chuckle, "I suppose so sir."

Later at dinner, James stared  at Bianca's empty seat, "Where is she? I just want to see her. I want to make sure she is okay." His other side came in to play, "What are you saying? You fucked a prude and want more? A delightful, firm, innocent, sweet, hot.. really hot prude..." He pressed his teeth tighter as he continued to argue with himself, "Your not fucking helping!"
He smirked at the other voice, "Sorry, my bad.."

Rose noticed his smirk, "What's so funny James?"

His eyes widened as the rest of the table looked to him, "I was just remembering something that Danny said."

Rose snorted in annoyance, "Oh, well.."

James rolled his eyes and went back to his daze. He couldn't get her out of his head. He hoped after having her once, it would be enough, but he was so wrong. He wanted more! He finally rounded up the courage and asked, "Where is Bianca?"

Rose scoffed as she cut her steak, "Said she had a date, I know she's lying.."

"Why would she be?"

Rose slowly turned her eyes to his face, "Because who would want her?"

She squinted in anger as she studied his flexing jaw, "I would disagree. Their are plenty."

Avin studied the two as he chewed. Rose gave a sadistic chuckle, "Don't confuse pity with attraction James, or you might fall for her."

James laughed a sarcastic laugh, "I don't pity her. She is wonderful to my brother. I don't pity someone that takes time to show kindness to him."

Rose rolled her eyes, "Please, such a waste of space..."

James and Rose both jumped as Avin slammed down his fist on the table, "Enough! Rose leave us!"

Rose roughly shoved away from the table and strutted out. Avin turned a worried brow to James, "Forgive her, she doesn't know when to quit."

James exhaled and looked down, "I'm sorry to put a rift between them, but you said so yourself, Bianca is special."

Avin cocked an eyebrow, "You're not in love with Bianca are you?"

James eyes widened with fear, "No sir! I just can't stand her sister putting her down all the time. She doesn't deserve it."

Avin nodded, "I appreciate your concern, but do not talk about Bianca in front of your future wife again."

James flexed his jaw as he  reluctantly replied, "Yes sir."
How will James get Bianca in his bed again?

Is Rose on to them?

What about Avin? Do you think he knows?

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