Chapter 26

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Bianca squeezed James' hand as they entered her fathers office. She smiled a sad smile as he looked at her round tummy, "Hello Avin."

Avins lip quivered as he noticed her not calling him Papa, "Hello "B"."

James kept a tight grasp on her hand for her to stay close. Avin sighed and took his seat, "So, you're the cause of her down fall. I was so blind."

James took a step forward, "I'm going to marry Bianca. Not because of the babies, but because I love her."

Avin's eyes widened, "Babies?"

Bianca looked down at her bump as she held it, "Yes, twins."

Avin sighed as he shook his head, "Bianca, we have been through this before. You said you wouldn't do this.."

Bianca had tears easing out of her eyes, "But, he's different.."

Avin laughed a quick sarcastic laugh, "Bull Shit, he will break you just like Chuck, Rose did you a favor. Chuck would had put you in the same situation now then would have broken your heart later, but you let this phyco ruin you!"

James stepped forward, "Shut tha fuck up and listen to me. I would never do that to her. She is not breakable. She's just been through Hell and back one to many times, and I plan on stopping that."

Avin looked at his desk top as he spoke, "Do you even know what kind of man he really is? A murder, an ex con, psychopath.. Need I go on?"

Bianca looked down as she sobbed, "Was I suppose to be a little girl for the rest of my life, never to know love or motherhood?"

Avin looked to her with sadness, "I'm just keeping you safe. I don't want to lose you. I was so close last time. Your not strong enough for him."

James growled as Bianca had to hold him back, "Strong enough?! Her compassion, grace, wit, charm. Her being able to keep that after everything you bastards have put her through proves she stronger than you will ever be! To be thrown out of your only home, pregnant and alone, and still find time to spend with someone that is just as innocent..." James started to cry when he realized his own thoughts of what she had been through, "So they wouldn't be hurt, and not tell them that their hero is a coward for not standing up for the mother of his children.. To bare a burden of lies to save others while she suffers. What I ask you, what is that?"

Avin was shocked at his anger, but his expression eased at his courage to stand up for her. He looked away as he started to cry, "Bianca.. I was only trying to protect you. Once Rose was married and out of the house, I knew it would be better for you, but since the tables have turned, I don't know what to do now. Rose is furious."

James shook his head as he laughed, "Ya know what? Fuck Rose. That's what she does with everyone else."

Avin sat up, "What do you mean?"

James pulled out his phone and played Gregory Killians confession. Bianca pressed her eyes when she heard him confessed Rose had plained them to rape her, to hurt her and her babies.

James' anger returned all over again as he listened. He turned to Avin, "Rose needs to be put away, you need to finally admit it."

Avin slumped back in his seat, "Unbelievable.. I.."

"You were in denial .."

Avin cut his cold eyes to James, but they eased as they fell on Bianca, "I'm sorry B. You can come home now."

Bianca cried as she looked to him, "No Avin.. I'm not coming home. This is me proving to you how weak I really am. Your not my protector anymore, because I'm someone else's." She smiled at her perfectly round tummy, "I don't ever want my children to know you or see you. You failed as as a father. You didn't protect me. I know you wouldn't protect them. Goodbye Avin."

James was shocked at her response. He watched as she slowly made her way out of his office and into the foyer as Avin called for her, "B?.. Bianca.. Bianca?!" James looked down and then to the sobbing man. Avin ran his hands through his hair and sat down with a distraught look, "No.. No.. My B..?"

James pursed his lips and silently walked out and left him with his grief.

Sorry so short.

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