Chapter 15

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Three days later

Bianca reluctantly approached James from behind his chair. He had been deep in thought as he stared out into the back courtyard, "James..?"
He slightly turned his face to the side to show her, she had his attention. "Are you alright? I haven't seen you in three days.." He cut his cold eyes up to her as Bianca walked around to the front of his chair. James' eyes then traveled down to her lower abdomen where her tiny baby was safe and warm. He sighed and looked away. Bianca stood still as she stared at his reaction, "I see.. Well then.. Goodbye..." As she quickly walked away he pressed his eyes at the sound of her tiny heels clicking against the marble floor. Bianca held her cries in as she held her hand over her mouth as she made her hasty retreat.

James cursed himself for not saying anything, but what could he say? He ruined her life, possibly his, and one of the bad parts was he was still engaged to the devil; but the worst part of all was that he still wanted sweet, innocent Bianca. He admitted that when he watched her almost tear Rose apart after she requested to watch her niece or nephew to be destroyed, he was shocked. Shocked, but in awe of how protective she already was over her child, no their child. "Our child.." he mumbled. He sprung from his seat as he thought, "Our child! Fuck! What have I done!"
He calmly made his way to her room but stopped when he heard one of the cars pull away from the driveway. He slid on the floor to look out the window and watched as Bianca drove away in her Mercedes. James huffed as he tried to think, "She'll be back. Surely she didn't leave for good." His eyes searched the floor as an uneasy felling fell over him, "Shit.." He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Cyrus, "Bianca's left. I need you to find her. Get ten and spread out!" He didn't give him time to answer after he stated his command. James' leg nervously bounced as he watched for her return.

"Well... Why do you have to go away for a long time? Are you going to be in jail?"

Bianca chuckled as she looked down as she walked with Danny, "No Danny... I.."

She stopped and looked up to his young face. He pursed his lips to the side, "You're pregnant aren't ya?"

Bianca's eyes widened but then eased, "Yes.."

"Who.. whoos the father..?"

Her lip quivered as she looked down, "I.. I wish I could tell you.. But I made a promise.."

He frowned at her tear soaked eyes as she looked back up to him, "It will be okay." He pulled her into a strong hug, "Don't worry.. My brother won't let anything happen to you.."

Bianca started to sob, she couldn't make him think less of his brother, "I know.."

When he released her, Danny smiled, "Hey Ice cream makes me feel better. Want some..?"

Bianca chuckled as she wiped her eyes, "Sure.."

As the friends chattered on the way to the ice cream parlor, a group of hired seniors found their target, "Hey Danny..!"

He turned a questionable brow to the group, "Ye.. Yes..?"

The leader confidently strutted up to him, "Remember that money you owe me?"

Danny nervously smirked and shook his head, "Uh... Nope.."

Bianca stepped up next to the leader, "Danny, do you know this young man?"

The jock chuckled and stepped closer to her as he took in her figure, "Yeah he knows me, but I think I'd like to get to know you better.."

Bianca squinted angrily at him, "I think you're mistaken, he doesn't owe you any money. Come on Danny."

She lightly grasped Danny's had but the Jock pushed Danny's shoulder and did a mean right swing knocking him to the ground. Bianca let a light scream go as her chest heaved, "Wait!"

The jock flexed his fingers as he smirked to her, "Yeah?"

Bianca looked nervously at him and the group, "How old are you again?"

The jock stepped closer as he bit his bottom lip, "Legal enough for you.."

Bianca stepped back as she helped Danny up from her side, "Legal? Does that mean eighteen?" The jock chuckled as he nodded as he kept stepping closer. Danny watched with curiosity as Bianca faced him, patted his face and calmly said, "Run." Bianca roared as turned back and grabbed the jock by his shoulders then kneed him right in the groin making him fall to his knees. She then did a mean right hook sending him to the ground. She looked back and felt relief as Danny got away. Right as she turned around the jock growled and charged towards her. Bianca tried to run, but he knocked her down to the hard sidewalk and pinned her left arm behind her back.

As Danny ran for help, he was bawling as he surprisingly ran into Cyrus, "Danny?! What are you doing here?! I couldn't find Bianca, James thought she was with you.." Danny was prancing in place as he cried to get the words out. All he could do was cry and point. Cyrus realized what he meant and ran in the direction of Bianca. When he turned the corner he spotted a huge jock holding her down. He yelled and pointed at the dead man, "Hey deep shit!" He started to run towards the group and watched them scatter.

The jock leaned down next to Bianca's ear as she whimpered from him pulling back her arm, "You're dead.. You, and the retard.." She breathed in a gasped as she heard a sickening snap as he broke her arm and retreated.

Cyrus came to a screeching halt as she laid there in a daze from the pain , "Danny?"

Cyrus easily patted her back, "He's fine... "

Her eyes searched the ground as she heard him approach her, "What did they do to you?!"

Bianca held back tears as Cyrus called 911. He was afraid to touch her with the way they had broken her arm, and her being pregnant. Within minutes she was pulled into the massive ambulance as Cyrus turned to a worried Danny, "What happened, and who's the ass hole?"
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Why did they target Bianca and Danny?

What will James do?

What will Bianca do now?

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