Chapter 20

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****** Authors Warning! Suicide, Attempt In This Chapter! ******

Please, if you or someone that you know is thinking about suicide, please get help! There is life after you face your pain!****

"Holly Shit! You really did a number on him, didn't ya?" Cyrus smirked as he studied the blood smeared wood floor.

James cut his cold eyes to Cyrus as he crossed his arms, "He made me angry."


Cyrus shook his head as he was about to light a cigarette until James spoke, "Don't smoke in here."

Cyrus rolled his eyes, "Fine.. This is going to take us longer for smoke breaks."

James lightly kicked at Martins dead body, "What ever it takes. I don't want anything to seem different when she comes back. It's going to be as though she just had a bad nightmare."

Cyrus nodded as he looked at the corpse, "Well.. Help me unload my shit and we'll start taking him apart."

James sighed as he followed his friend.


12 am

The two friends sat on the back porch as they enjoyed their beer. James cut his eyes to a laughing Cyrus, "You remember the time when we burned Sal Waloski? And we didn't realize that the muscles would contract under the heat. So when that bastard sat up in the middle of the flames.. "  Both men had pressed eyes from chuckling, "We both almost shit ourselves.."

James held his side as his laughing, "Is this why we dissolve them now?"

"Hell yeah! That image stuck with me for years. Made me have nightmares."

James stared off into space, "I hope Bianca can forget this. I'm sure it scared the shit out of her. She's just so tender hearted. Besides, she wouldn't tell me if it did bother her. She never complains."

Cyrus took another chug, "Never complains?! Shit! She sounds perfect.."

James smirked while in his daze, "She is. I want it to be like before."

"If Bianca has endured Rose this long, she'll be okay. She will be even better when you turn your evidence over to Avin."

James sighed, "I'm going to make sure the timing is right. Rose might try to hurt Bianca and the baby again."

Cyrus grasped his shoulder, "What ever you need me to do.. I'm here."


As Cyrus and James slid the bed back into place, Cyrus did a double take as Bianca's journal was knocked off her bedside table. His brow wrinkled as it had opened to a page of dark images.

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