Chapter 10

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For the rest of the week, James hardly spoke or seen Bianca. When he did see her, it was at dinner. She looked broken, pale, sickly. She would usually sit at the table in daze as though she was contemplating something. Her attention was drawn to her father, "Bianca, are you alright?" She would just sadly nod and go back to her thoughts. James missed her terribly. He yearned to sneak into her room and just hold her, but he wanted to give her space. He knew she hated him, but who could blame her? He was a monster.

The next day, he found Bianca staring down at the ground while she sat on a tree swing. She shivered as she noticed his shadow towering behind her, "Hello  James."

He sighed, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

He grasped both sides of the swings rope and looked down on her, "You seem sick.."

She was in an amused dazed, "No, everything is fine." He was about to speak, but she interrupted, "Are you hear to abuse me again? If so, can you be quick about it. I have somewhere I need to be in an hour."

He quickly twisted the ropes and spun her around to his anger, "I.. don't abuse you.."

She cut her eyes up to him, "When you seek an innocent member of society out to do bodily or emotional harm, what is that called?"

He crouched down in front of her, "I don't mean to hurt you.."

Bianca looked away, "I've heard this before." She turned back to him, "I wish I could believe you."

James took a step back, releasing the swing. It spun her around away from him. He bounced his knee out of anxiousness, but he then smirked and pulled the swing back, and started to gently push her. She grasped the ropes and slightly turned to look over her shoulder with curiosity, "What are you doing?"

"Not hurting you."

She turned her face forward and waited for him to either stop or push her out, like Rose use to do, but he kept on pushing her. She actually started  to feel at ease and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sunny but cool day. James smiled as he watched her long hair blow with the movement of the swing, after ten minutes of pushing her, he gently grabbed the ropes and brought her to a stop. She slightly pouted and turned around, "Why did you stop?"

He slightly tilted his head, "It's my turn."

Bianca playfully chuckled, "Oh! Well.. Hop on!"

James sat on the swing and slightly bounced to test his weight against the branch, "I hope I don't fall on my ass if this breaks."

Bianca giggled as she started to push him, "I won't laugh if you do."

"You promise?!" He smiled his devilish smile as he flew into the air.

"Promise, but you're really heavy."

He's mouth dropped open with a scoff, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

Bianca bit her lip as she gave him one last hard push, "Yep!"

James turned around as he heard her giggle. She had took off running and laughing. He hopped off of the swing and took off after her, " Bianca.. I'm coming to get you.."

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