Chapter 24

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James rubbed his tired eyes as he leaned and looked into the bathroom. Bianca was hovering over the toilet as she suffered from morning sickness. He gently pulled her hair back with sympathetic eyes as she continued her ailment. Bianca rolled her eyes once she was finished and flushed the toilet. She then shuffled over to the sink and started to brush her teeth. James leaned against the wall with crossed arms, "Why are you up so early?"

She leaned down and spit out her toothpaste, "Work."

James pushed off from the wall and hugged her from behind, "You don't have to work. I'll take care of you."

Bianca turned her head to the side towards his voice, "I enjoy my job.."

He flexed his jaw, "And little office douce bags that come with it?"

Bianca spun around with wide eyes, "That could have happened anywhere. You can get a fucking stalker just walking down the street."

James sighed and looked up to the ceiling, "Why do this? Aren't you planning to stay home with our kids?" He lowered his face back to hers.

Bianca looked down as she tried not to cry, "I finally found somewhere where they listened, liked and wanted me. Why are you trying to take that away?"

He felt bad making her upset, "Don't cry. I'm so fucking jealous. I see how guys look at you. Then Martin broke into your house..."

"So did you.. And guys don't look at this!" She pursed her lips and she slightly shook her belly.

He gave her the " really"look, "For totally different reasons, and yes guys do! Haven't you heard of a MILF?"

Bianca sighed and looked away, "Well.. What if.." James leaned closer for her answer, "What if you don't want me after the babies? Then what? I have no income.."

His eyes turned cold, "Stop right there. I will always take care of what's mine. Always."

Bianca growled, "Listen to me! I'm not taking charity from you, if we are not together!"

He stepped to her until he had her pinned against the bathroom counter, "Bianca, you're stuck with me.. Sorry.. And just because Chuck fucked your sister, doesn't mean I will or anyone else."

She looked down as she whimpered, "You read that part?" He silently nodded. Bianca covered her face as she sobbed, "I.. I didn't mean for him to do it.. He hurt me worst of all. I... Loved him.."

James felt sympathy for Bianca, but hated Chuck for almost having her. It was Chucks own fault that he was dead, not Bianca's. "Hey now.." Bianca looked up to him, "What does it matter if I knew."

"You know I tried to kill myself?"


"I'm not crazy.. I was so tired of the pain.."

James gently stroked her cheek then bottom lip, "I know.. You have been in pain, way to long. That's why I just want you to focus on our babies. Working will be hard on you."

"It distracted me."

"From what?"

"Losing you. When you couldn't say Baby, it made me think you saw it as a disease."

James pulled her to him and sighed, "I'm so sorry."

"James, please let me go. I have an important lunch meeting with my app rep."

He slightly growled, "The rep a female?"

Bianca rolled her eyes, "I doubt it with a name of Robert Lankin."

James turned away a paced, "Shit.."

She eased up behind him, "I'll be fine."

James lowered his head in defeat and nodded.


James glared as he sat in the booth in the busy restaurant, his temper flared when Bianca approached the table, the rep shook her  hand but then touched her belly. James held back killing the man, making his eye twitch.

After an hour of business chatter, the rep sat next to Bianca to show her other projects on his phone. When he put his arm around her chair, James pushed up from his table and heavily walked to the associates.

Bianca's smile eased up to his face, then it turned to shock, "James?!"

The rep removed his arm to shake his hand, "Im Robert Lankin."

James tried to crush the man's hand, "I'm the baby daddy."

Bianca's eyes widened with amusement and shock, "Okay.. Baby daddy.. Time to go.." She stood up and pushed James as they walked.

He slightly turned around back to Lankin and yelled, "I made that!" , and pointed to Bianca.

She sighed as she just wanted to disappear.

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Was Bianca oblivious? (That's what my husband calls me?)

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