Petals of A Dream ((Chapter 1))

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His strange gray eyes highlighted his dark burgundy hair.

He was so breathtakingly beautiful that it was almost painful to look. He is perfection incarnate. I couldn't believe someone like him does exist. I knew I was nowhere near his level. I am very average; it was frustrating. I closed my eyes, wishing for the dream to end. It was incomprehensible to have him here.

Was he some prince from a fairy tale? Or was he a lost pagan god of beauty? I blinked and stared. But it was no dream. He was there. I can see him with my very eyes.

I slowly reached out, afraid that somehow he might instantly vanish. When I blinked, I pulled back my hand.

Ugh! What was I thinking? Why would I want touch him? I must be going crazy. Yeah, that must be it. Why, of all people, am I infatuated with someone not within my grasp? Stupid hormones. I gritted my teeth and sighed.

It was agonizing to simply watch him, knowing my feelings would never get through. He's just a few feet away from me, but he seemed so far. I couldn't reach him. It was just me. Me and my silly one - sided love.

It was a long afternoon. Classes dragged on and I wasn't paying much attention to anyone or anything. I merely scribbled thoughtlessly on my pad. I was greatly relieved when school was finally over. I tossed all my things on my bag, organizing the mess inside and headed for the door. 


My head turned abruptly to the source of the voice. I stood there motionlessly, forgetting how to breath. I thought everyone had left. There was only one person in the room except for myself. It was him.

I gulped.

"Yes?" My voice was too soft. Did he hear me? I bet he did because he started to approach me, one hand on the strap of his bag slung on his left shoulder.

"What are we going to do for music?" His voice was cool and firm. I felt a slight squeamishness in the pit of my stomach. I tried to compose myself.

"Huh?" What was he talking about?

"You know, the project thingy." He shrugged and a faint smile lit his face.

"Pardon?" My brows pulled together and my hand instinctively adjusted my specs. I saw emotions passed his face. First was surprise, followed by incredulity, then disappointment. I was taken aback when he laughed heartily. He was having hysterics.

"Were you daydreaming all day? Hello, Earth calling Nancy Montenegro. Sshh.. sshh.."

His sarcasm was so poor I had no choice but to laugh. This was the first time I saw this side of him. Usually, he was quiet in his seat, either reading a book or writing something. I bet like any other foreign students, he was uneasy surrounded by strangers. Maybe he preferred to be alone. I remembered others trying to have him in a conversation, only to give up after a few minutes. It had been a two weeks since then.

"I'm sorry. Aliens abducted my brain while in class," I laughed. "So, what's it all about?"


My heart was beating so loudly, like it was trying to rip itself off from my chest. I knew we were here to buy materials for the recording but it felt like a date to me. He looked so inhuman in his casual clothes. I cringed at the thought of how I look next to him.

"We bought everything on the list," I announced to him, trying to sound aloof. I didn't want him to know that I was head over heels with him.

"Then we've done half. I'll try finishing the song later so we can start recording tomorrow." He looked tired, dark circles barely noticeable around his eyes.

"Don't tell me you've been pulling all nighters for the song." My voice was a little shrill. He didn't respond but I knew I was dead right. "Oh please! You're not some professional. A simple song will do! What do you think you're making? Your debut album?" I really snapped but he simply stared.

"How did you know?" He had this small smile etched on his face. I couldn't ignore the teasing tone in his voice.

"Ha ha. Very funny." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Seriously?"

"It's nothing."

Something about his tone stopped me from asking more, but I knew there was something more to it. After that the entire trip seemed awkward, and before I realized it, the day had ended.


I sat on my bed, contemplating. Why did I feel that something wasn't right? Why was it that I felt like there was something missing, as if there was something very obvious, yet somehow I overlooked it?

Suddenly, there was a movement just outside my window. I turned around just in time to see a shadow of a man. I gulped.

A robber? I stood up without making any noise. I went for my elementary baseball bat hidden under my bed. I crouched beside the couch, waiting for my prey. I was clammy from sweat so I tightened my grip on the heavy stick. A moment had passed, yet the intruder never appeared. My breathing became ragged, my back heavy against the wall.

Why isn't he coming in? Will he be coming in from another window? 

Slowly, I raised my head and took a peep. Everything seemed normal. I stealthily approached my window, holding the bat firmly against my body. I wouldn't risk myself and let my guard down. I leaned on the farther wall as I checked the windows. They're locked.

Maybe it's just my imagination? I tried the other window. It's locked too. I took a deep sigh.

Were my eyes playing tricks on me?

I wouldn't take chances. I grabbed the phone from the stand and called the landlady of the apartment. I informed her without making myself sound paranoid. As I hang up, I felt a hand on my shoulders.

Sharp pain stabbed my chest as everything went black.


How's the story so far? Please give me comments... I will upload the next part after a few days..

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