Decisions - ((Chapter 29))

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*** Abrielle's POV ***

I closed my eyes again, but sleep still didn't come to me. I wasn't even drowsy. It has been hours since Argout left me alone but why was I still thinking of him? For some reasons, the abnormal emotions I felt from him disturbed me. It made no sense. I couldn't understand the pained expression on his face when he left. It didn't fit in.

His feelings, as I perceived them, were a mixture of relief, disappointment and hopefulness. There was something more, but it was too difficult and too intense to be described into words. It was as if there was something missing in him. Or was it just me? Maybe I was just reading too much?

I couldn't help but wonder. What's wrong with him? What's wrong with me?

And I wasn't supposed to be worrying about this. I had greater troubles at hand. It was my responsibility to deal with my fellow Alphas. They were right to think that sacrificing me was the easiest way to fix everything. Just my life, right? Nothing ought to be simpler than that.

I had no time to stay dilly-dallying now. I have to find a solution around it, one way or another. There must be an alternative way where I don't have to die. Where no one needs to die. I must set out to find it... before my nightmare comes true.

The image of burning Celes popped into my mind.

"Aargh!" I couldn't take it anymore. The mess in my head was far from subtle. I couldn't control the uproar of my thoughts. Upon facing the impossible tasks of saving Celes, I needed to think calmly. I needed some fresh air. I pushed myself out of the warm covers and grabbed a silk shawl that was left hanging on the chair. I set out without making noise. I tiptoed my way down, and went out of the back door. I moved as silently as possible, afraid to wake someone else.

I hurried away without glimpsing back. I have to get as far from the house as possible because I couldn't use my magic freely there. They cunningly set up a magic-detecting spell around the area for protection. I wouldn't risk setting off the alarm. Everyone's asleep, and I wouldn't pray of waking them in the dead of the night. Letting them know my plans would be the last thing I want.

The cold evening breeze felt good on my flushed skin. I missed running like this. If only I have wings, I might be like a sparrow on hunt, no, a great predator eagle. I turned my head , and saw the house relatively the size of a pea against the forest. I've gone farther than necessary. How long have I been running?

When I reached the Silver Glade, I paused and gasped for air. My lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen, as the Earth people call it. Well, at least I wasn't sweating. I listened to the frantic beating of my heart until it calmed down. I glanced around, seeing the familiar place once again under the pale shine of the twin moons. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The whole place shimmered under the moonlight, making it enchanted in a way. The soft grass and wild flowers swayed gently with the wind. It was so peaceful.

I took one deep breathe as I prepared myself for the spell. I lifted both my arms, and swayed them alternately. My magic came out from my finger tips as strips of white light. I murmured a chant as the white light took form, shaping into a big magical circle with me as the center. Ancient runes appeared mid-air, symbols that encircled me in a haphazard manner. They were going faster and faster as I continued the chant.


My arms automatically dropped, breaking the spell, as soon as I heard a warm, velvety voice from behind. I quickly turned around, disbelieving. Why was he here? Of all people to discover me, why him?

Shock flitted across his face, though i believed his mirrors mine, when our eyes met. He was standing a good few paces from me. Slowly, he approached me.

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