The Root ((Chapter 25))

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Hey guys! Sorry if I always ask you to comment, vote and fan. (But it shouldn't matter, most of you don't do it anyway) It's just that, I'm feeling kind of saddened by the fact that you couldn't give me the opportunity to hear your thoughts. It grieves me, honestly. The main reason why I joined wattpad was to earn comments and critics about my work, and I'm obviously being ignored.

So, please, please, please.... =) would you leave a comment??

Thanks a lot!


*** Yhuelle's POV ***

The pair of bloodshot eyes astonished me. Their vivid red irises remained unyielding, never removing their attention from me. It was terrifying, like I was looking at the gates of burning Hell.

"What are you saying?" I asked. I took a step forward, but retreated as soon as she moved.

Shivers ran down my spine as the hooded person faced me head on. Against the black background, I could see the white hands slowly pull the hood away. The black robe fell to the ground, revealing a small figure of a young girl. Recognition flooded me as soon as I saw her bone-pale face.

"Abrielle?!" I said dumbfounded. I couldn't be mistaken about it. It was her exact image when I first met her, the same short boyish hair and the incredibly fragile stature even as a child. Her eyes were not the calm shade of jade they used to be, but shone in an eerie shade of crimson. I froze in place as I realized that she's crying tears of blood.

"You killed me..." she cried in a hollow-sounding voice.

"What - ?" I tried to approach her, but was intensely thrown away by her Telekinesis. I pushed myself to stand, but the force of her powers exceeded my expectations. I couldn't move.

This is bad, I thought. I'm inside her mind and she's exponentially stronger here.

"You killed me! You killed me! You murderer!" She continued on as she stood up. She minced her way to me with grace.

So is this 'thing'' the reason why Abrielle isn't waking up? Her younger self? Is this Embry's spell? I need to find the root of this spell, so that I can counter it at once.

"You're wrong. This is not an illusion. Can't you tell? I am Yolan. Yolan Rynvard," she sneered with contempt. "I am not Abrielle."

"Don't joke around! Yolan and Abrielle are one and the same! You are Abrielle." I struggled to release myself in vain. "Let me go now. You need to wake up. Stop this!"

She simply frowned as she cocked her head to her side. She glared at me with venomous red eyes. Those were not her eyes. They were filled with grief and anger. Those were not Abrielle's.

"It's true," she said in a singsong manner. "I and that woman are one and the same. But we are entirely different beings. I am her dark side. I am the part of her she hid all this time."

"You're not making sense," I snapped as I finally repelled her magic. She gave me a creepy smile in return, and within an instant, we were inside the Palace. The outer chamber, in fact. I remembered that this used to be our hangout as kids. It was the palace in Fangvard, but I knew this was not the same one.. This was the image of the Palace from within her memories.

"You really don't love Abrielle do you? All you feel for her is desire. She is different from the common meek girls you've met. She is singular. She is a challenge for you. You just wanted her powers too, right? If you have her as a wife, you will surely become the Mage Lord without fail. No one would dare touch you position."

"No, " i replied. "That's not true. I love you."

She paused in front of me. "Didn't you know that she is suffering? Didn't you feel her fear and loneliness? It was you who made my existence possible. You created 'me' inside Abrielle. There was no her. There is 'us'. It was you, Argout, who branded us. We would have fared better as Yolan Rynvard. But no. You insisted otherwise. You were the one who made the Alphas know our lineage. You were the one who called us a Leone. You are the one to be blamed for the demise we are facing. You changed our Fate, by returning the name we've already lost.

Now, there is nothing left for you to do. Abrielle was stupid enough to fall for you, but I know better. She tried to rescue you, but what did she receive? Embry had killed her mind. Abrielle is dead. It was your fault. You killed her! We are one. You killed me! You killed me! You murderer!"

"No... stop...I'm telling you, stop this nonsense."

"Stop? Why would I? You are in my territory! I will do what I like. I will seek her revenge. I will kill you too."

Without hesitation, she lunged at me in an impossible speed. A white sword appeared on her hand and sliced my arm. I yelped in the pain as I evaded her attacks. I was overwhelmed by the strong killing intent she emitted.

No doubt, she would really kill me if I didn't dodge well.

"Snap out of this Abrielle!" I yelled as I hit one of the pillars. I turned around to hide myself, but the pillar suddenly disintegrated into fine dust. She grinned as she held the blade near my throat.

"Don't you want to defend yourself, Argout?" She wrapped her small hands tightly on my hair.I could feel the cold metal slicing my skin.

"I can't! You're just a child. And I don't believe you." I pushed her away. "Abrielle can't be dead."

"I don't care whether you believe it or not." She made a hand symbol and suddenly surging winds torn my body. I gritted my teeth as I used Permeability, escaping before I was torn into shreds. Before I had a chance to land on the ground, I felt a stab of pain in the chest. I looked down, and saw Abrielle pulling her blade away from my bleeding chest.

Is this the end? Is this my end?

Even with the scary eyes and the darkness in her, I still knew that it 'is' her. She's still my Abrielle. Before I collapse on the ground, I wrapped my weary arms around her, pulling her to my body.

"Abrielle, I'm sorry if I caused you so much pain. I love you."

I closed my eyes as I lost my hold on her.

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